笑える回転寿司屋 腹筋破裂! (思い出のお店です)Laughable conveyor-belt sushi restaurant
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小皿をセットして醤油を入れた。さあ、食べようと思い、流れてくるお皿を見ると、きれいに二つならんでシャリだけが載っていた。笑いがこみ上げる! 噂には聞いていたが、、、
帰るときに、〇〇寿司最高! 素敵なパフォーマンスをありがとう! と店員さんに言うと、石のように体が硬そうなおじさんが、弱々しい声で、「どういたしまして、また来てね」と言った。
I will talk about a sushi restaurant with lasting memories. Curiosity overcame fear, and I went to the restaurant with my family. That was a shocking restaurant, as the rumors say. I would not dare to tell the restaurant’s name. But I have seen a terrible situation in that restaurant on the internet.
When we stepped into the restaurant, an old employee lady, who seemed to be from Silver Human Resource Center, said: “Good evening sir, let’s see, I’m wondering which seat I will take you to.” Good evening?? He brought us to the open booth among lots of available seats.
“I’m delighted. It is tranquil even though it’s a little past noon.” My mother said. My son was overwhelmed by the number of old employees. A former man’s staff’s hand was trembling. Cerebral stroke?
I set three plates in front of us and poured soy sources into each. Let’s eat! At that time, our eyes caught an extraordinary scenery! A plate with two shares without any sushi topping was coming. I could not help laughing. I already knew it through rumors…..
We were eating the usual sushi for a while. BUT, funny sushi began to come one after another. Sharis and sushi toppings have scattered on a plate. It is like catastrophic scars like a typhoon left!
I couldn’t but laugh to see that weird situation. Laughter made me almost throw up sushi in my mouth on the table. My mother and my son managed to stifle laughter.
One old staff looking at us said, “You are getting along with each other.” He was smiling at us. I thought he didn’t notice how lousy the reputation this restaurant had. Increased laughter was attacking us without mercy.
Some sushi was ready to drop from a plate, some shari and sushi topping intersected at right angles like a Christianity’s cross. We were very excited and enjoyed expecting how strange the next sushi would be.
When we left the restaurant, we said to the staff, “〇〇sushi restaurant is Brabo! Thank you for your great performance!” An old man staff told us, “You are welcome; please come here again.” His body seemed to be so stiff, and his voice was feeble.
We have never gone to that restaurant since then.
Sushi’s taste was not bad. The dessert was delicious. BUT, I hope they do not make us laugh like that.
That’s all. It is my story with lasting memories.
Thank you for reading my strange story through to the end.
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