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It would be best not to become a victim of a weird religion.
When you are in a state of being in a fix, you become a follower of a strange religion, aren’t you? It is good to ask for peace of mind through God. But you will get into hot water if you don’t notice that religion stirs anxiety and cheating money. One person said that he built up a church and a shrine with a mission to change this rotten world. He is crazy. Humans couldn’t become God, and humans couldn’t understand God. The reason why this world is crazy is that this world is hell. We always notice that there will be war year after year. There will be a natural disaster, robbery, and murder. You can’t resign from a company even though a boss harasses you because you must support your family members. It is nice to be only alive. Humans aim not to refine the soul but to live until we die.
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