『タダイマトビラ』 BY 村田紗耶香(芥川賞作家)

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 最近、毒親という言葉が流行っています。暴言や暴行を繰り返す親だけが毒親ではありません。主婦としてすべての家事を完璧にやりこなすだけでは、ただのお手伝いさんです。普通の母親なら、作った食事を子どもがあまり食べなかったりすると、「どうしたの?」と声をかけたりします。単純な声かけですが、かなり大切な言葉です。他にも、何日も家に帰らない子供を探しもしないで、平然と暮らしている親もいます。ひょっこり子供が帰っていたりすると、特にびっくりすることもなく、平然と日常を過ごしている。衣食住を満たしてやっていることと、愛情を注ぐというのは別物です。親の愛情に飢えて育った子は、自分で自分の心を慰める手段を身に付けていたりします。人間は遺伝子通りにしか行動出来ない生き物で、自分に合わない場所にとどまるのは地獄です。会社の場合は転職するか、家族の場合なら家を出て一人暮らしをするとか、自分のメンタルが壊れるのを防ぐ物理的な方法を選択する人もいます。しかし、この本の主人公は理想とはかけ離れた家族関係を脳が作り出したただの幻想の世界だと気づきます。そして、まだ人間という名の生命体が地球上に誕生していない世界に戻るドアを見つけます。遺伝子に従って忠実に生きているこの世界で、私達が人生をかけて求め続けているものは何か? この不条理に満ちた世界で平然と生きていくにはどうしたらいいのか? 愛情に飢え、孤独に苦しみながら、私達はどうやってその苦しみを処理できるのか? 『タダイマトビラ』が教えてくれるかもしれません。

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『tadaimatobira』 BY Sayaka Murata(Akutagawa Prize Writer)

The most challenging problem in society might be human relationships. The group that a human belongs first is a family. It is natural. A few people decide to live alone because they couldn’t get along with their parents, brothers, and sisters. But without economic strength, he or she would never live by himself or herself. Why don’t you peep into the world that is hard to control by yourself through the heroine who is living easily?


The word toxic parents called Dokuoya in Japanese has been popular recently. It is not the case that the only parents who are repeating violet language and brute force. A person who is doing the housework best is just a maid. It is natural that a typical mother worries about the amount of meal left on a dish and said, “What happened?” It is simple approaching, but the most important word. We have more. Toxic parents are not even searching for a child who has not returned home for days and is living unconcernedly. When they see a child come back suddenly, they never surprise and spend their daily life calmly. Giving food, shelter, and clothing is quite different from lavish affection for a child. Some love-starved-children have known the method that consoles their mind by themselves. A human is a creature with no way, but they live through their gene, so it is the hell to live in a world that doesn’t suit themselves. In the case of a company, some employees change jobs. In the case of family, some family members live alone away from their family members. It is a good idea to keep ordinary minds so that they can’t destroy their minds. But the heroine of this novel notices that the family relationships quite different from the ideal relationships are just the illusion world that the brain created. And she finds the door back to the world that there are no creatures called a human on the earth yet. In this world that we live following our genes faithfully, what are we searching spending all our life? What is the best idea to live in this world full of absurdity easily? Being hungry for love, suffering from loneliness, how can we dispose of suffering? You might find the answer through 『tadaimatobira』.

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