Shut-in people relying on his parent’s pension・親の年金を当てにする子供達
Hello. Friends! Have you ever heard of the word “problem of 8050”? It is a problem that a 30s stay-at-home child is living with his parents. The child is living on his parent’s pension. Even though he thinks that his parents are in good health, both a child and his parents are getting old, and a stay-at-home child feels uneasy about his future. However, when he goes to consult with the city hall, a consultant says, “You are not working. You are spoiling yourself to stay at home living on your parent’s pension. Your parents are to blame because they have spoiled you.” and it is not easy for him to get public support. What on earth will Japanese society be in the future?
みなさま、こんにちは! 「8050問題」という言葉を聞いた事がありますか? 30代の子供が80代の親と同居して引きこもっている問題のことです。引きこもっている子どもは親の年金で生活しています。親が元気だからと思っていても、子も親もどんどん年を取って行き、将来に不安を感じています。しかし、役所などに相談に行くと、仕事もしないで親の年金で暮らしているなんて甘えている、親が甘やかして育てたのが悪い、と言って公的支援を受けにくいと言われています。日本社会はいったいどうなるのでしょうか。
Without money, a human will die.
An 80s woman was found dead in the house located in Tu-shi Fukuoka prefecture in April this year. 2 months have passed after her death. The police arrested the woman’s 61-year-old son on a charge of abandonment of a dead body. According to Yahoo News, he was a homebody, and two were living on his mother’s pension. The son testifies, “After my mother died, I didn’t know what to do.” A blanket covered a rotten dead body. An 82 years old mother and 52 years old daughter were found dead in the apartment sitting in Sapporo in early January. Their cause of death was hypothermia arising from malnutrition. The daughter had stayed at home for a long time. The mother died earlier than the daughter, and the daughter left alone starved to death. The cost of living was only a mother’s pension.
Loneliness is more scared than poverty.
In the special edition of Yahoo News, there is a story of the man who has ADHD (attention- deficit hyperactivity disorder): one of the developmental disorders. He is 52 years old, living with 86-year-old his mother in Tokyo. When he was a university student, he began to stay at home and drop out of university. He said, “I repeated the life that I got a job and stayed at home to quit a job until I was 48 years old.” He couldn’t clean the room due to the developmental disorder, said, “It is terrible to make the mother over 80 vacuum the room and do the laundry. But, indeed, I couldn’t do it by myself. I’m harsh.” The man said that he could manage to live with the public system and support, but he is more afraid of loneliness and isolation than the economic problem.
A family relationship has a problem.
According to Yahoo News, a 78-year-old man in Tokyo is living with his wife and 43-year-old shut-in son who has stayed at home for more than 20 years. The man has suffered from Kidney disease and was worrying about his son’s life after the parent’s death. He is a mid-career employee of the maker, goes to work early in the morning, coming back home at midnight. He said, “I left my son to my wife. I regret that I haven’t faced my son seriously.” Saito professor at the Tsukuba University said, “Most parents mistake the way they deal with their children. They force their wish: ‘I want you to be like this.’ so much that they couldn’t communicate with their children. Their recognition: ‘Staying at home is wrong.’ ‘It’s a blot on the family.’ has not changed at all. If it doesn’t change, a parent-offspring conflict will continue, and while there is a contradiction, he or she will never recover from stay-at-home.
Never mind
Have you ever heard the word “Put a lid on a stinky thing.”? Human wants to postpone annoying things. We tend to persuade ourselves, said, “It is so-so now. Let’s keep the current situation.” Inadequate temporary measures have the possibility that we have a hard time later. The above man had 20 years since his son started to say at home. It is the bad habit of Japanese people not to pay little attention to one’s family because of the supremacy of the job. Parents should be the most reliable presence for children.
Some cases cause staying-at-home due to parental irresponsibility. But the government also should have robust measures. The Japanese country should more positively make the companies hire people who are hard to find a job because of their disease even though they want to work. Furthermore, the bullying problem occupies a significant weight for the cause of staying-at-home. Because a human is a social creature, he is under a lot of emotional pressure while a bunch of people bully him or ignore him. I hope that the Japanese government makes a low to stop the abuse of authority and bullying soon. A person who says that he who receives abuse of power is to blame, or he who is bullied is to blame, is a man who cannot understand other people’s feelings. As far as vulnerability is concerned, there is a considerable disparity between people. I dare to say that he is quite a cold-hearted person: he always thinks everything on the bases of himself, said, “You are so weak that you couldn’t bear such a thing.”
The Japanese government should remember 696,000 of stay-at-home people. It is the number of shut-in people that the Cabinet Office gave after investigating stay-at-home people aged 15-39 in 2010 and 2015. Don’t you think that we are brainwashing? There might not be a lack of workforce. There are lots of older adults who want to work because of a low pension. Japanese national power will decrease while Japan employees many foreign people. The number of crimes and bullying will increase when the gap between the rich and the poor is expanding. The idea that raising the consumption tax is right is not always accurate; the poor will become weaker. The government might be lazy with the problem of stay-at-home people, don’t they? said, “never mind.”
Not just concerning stay-at-home, it is vital to work on the problem early, not to postpone it, said, “Never mind.” It is the best measure to get started the very thing that we think it as a troublesome problem. Everything could be too late while we are wasting time and growing old.
「臭い物にはフタ」という言葉を聞いたことがありますか? 人間は面倒臭いことは後回しにしたがります。今はまあまあだから、このまま現状維持でいこう、と思うわけです。適当な応急処置はあとで痛い目に遭う可能性があります。上記の男性は息子が引きこもり始めてから20年もの時間がありました。仕事至上主義を掲げて家庭をなおざりにするのは日本人の悪い癖です。親は子供にとって最も頼りになる存在でなければなりません。
日本政府は、人手不足だ、という前に69.6万人もいると言われている引きこもりの人のことを考えてほしいものです。これは、内閣府が2010年と2015年に15~39歳を対象にして引きこもっている人を調査した結果、明らかになった引きこもりの数値です。私達はマインドコントロールにかかっているんじゃないですかね? ほんとうは人手不足じゃないかもしれません。年金が少ないから働きたい高齢者もたくさんいます。外国人をたくさん雇っていると、日本の国力が落ちるばかりです。貧富の格差が広がってくると犯罪もイジメも多くなります。消費税をあげればいい、というものではありません。貧しい人がもっと貧しくなります。国も、引きこもりの人に関わっているのが面倒だから「まっ、いいっかぁ」となっているのでは?
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