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The salary is proportional to how hard you are working.

 When your workload increases in the office, you will have no motivation to do your work, will you? In a supermarket that pays a small salary, the top leader only provides a certain amount of education. The staves of the third-class supermarket often fill the aisle between the product shells talking with each other. The paper with an expiration date covers a rack of eggs wrapped in a plastic case. The supermarket staff have low salaries. As far as a plastic bag is concerned, it was just five yen even if you need more than two plastic bags just a while ago. Although this is a good idea, it works negatively. One day, I asked a staff to put two packages of eggs into a different plastic bag, and a cash register told me to pay more than five yen because just one plastic bag was enough. The board displayed at the register says you can use any plastic bag for one payoff. At this time, I put eggs in my bag. After I left the supermarket and called the office, he said, “You can use plastic bags until all products are in the plastic bags. I will talk the stuff so as not to misdescribe it.” However, after a few months, the sign at each register says that if you require one more bag, you need another five yen because the number of bags the staff decided is enough. I would like to know if the woman registered then has the vital right to change the supermarket way. She is not the standard register. I am so pissed! The bag differs from five yen because it always has a hole at the bottom. Even significant supermarkets sell plastic bags for 4 yen. I will never use this supermarket bag. It is better to buy commercially available plastic bags.


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