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The everyday worries for people of all ages
A tragic future is coming for the Japanese people. To be more accurate now is already a severe time for older people. Even though prices have risen, our pension won’t increase by 1,000 yen. Among the most troublesome people who suffer from rising prices are pensioners. Working people will get a decent salary increase or earn money by side businesses. There is only one way to make money for people who can get a certain monthly amount. Some people think that the life of this world on earth is material, so we can’t bring money to the afterlife. Some types of people believe that money is evil. However, we have no time to accumulate good karma to go to heaven. We couldn’t do most things without money in this world—every Japanese worry about life after retirement life in the future. Even now, people who have not saved money after retirement have only one way to save: by keeping money. I will do that, too.
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