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人間は一度給料の良い会社で働いたら、その味が忘れられないんですよね。給料の金額にもよるけど、月100万円もらって風俗で働くのと、月15万円で事務員をやるのと、どっちがいいですか? 一度月に100万円もらったら、月15万円の事務員なんてやりたくなくなる可能性が大。しかし、風俗で働いたという経歴は履歴書には書けないから、未来の自分にとってマイナスになる。大金の裏には、それなりのリスクが伴う。殺される原因ナンバーワンはお金だとも言われています。私はお金持ちになったことがないので、お金持ちが抱えている問題については分かりません。でも、欲しいものを全部手に入れたら、残りの人生は無味乾燥なものになるのかもしれません。人間は欲しい物ややりたい事があるから生きていけるのではないでしょうか? 欲しいものをゲットした未来の自分を夢見て、人間はエネルギーを燃やしているのでしょう。だから、お金は幸福度に比例しているように見えて、実は比例していないのかもしれません。人間の欲望は限りなく続くのです。
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Is human happiness proportionate to money?
I am sure there are lots of things to solve with money.
Money gives us cosmetic surgery to make our faces more beautiful.
The billionaire could buy a perfect house many times.
I am wondering if there is something that we can’t buy with money.
How about the age?
Even though you want to buy the 20 age,
90 years of age, you wouldn’t go back to the age of 20.
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If you have worked at a company that gives you lots of salaries, you got a taste of success. It depends on the salary amount. But which do you like better, a million yen working at a sex establishment or one hundred fifty thousand yen per month working as a clerk? Once you get a million yen, you may not like working as a clerk for one hundred fifty thousand yen. However, the career of working at a sex establishment will become harmful for what you will be because you cannot write it on your resume. The back of big money takes on the reasonable risk. It is said that the number one reason to be killed is money. I don’t know what kinds of a problem the rich have because I am not rich. However, if I have everything I want, I think the rest of my life might be dry. Don’t you believe that humans can be alive because they have something they want to get? Humans are burning energy dreaming themselves who get something they want to have in their future? So, money seems to be proportionate to happiness and not proportionate to happiness. Humans’ desires will continue endlessly.
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