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コメダ珈琲 大好き!

喧嘩ばかりしているのに別れられない男女っていますよね。いわゆる腐れ縁というものでしょうか。会う度に不愉快な気分になるのに、どうしても別れられない。そんな女性にとって、彼は何か良いところが少しでもあるのか、はたまた、相当な美男子なのか? 惚れ込んでいるのなら、地獄の底までついて行ったらいいと思う。しかし、もし、別れられない理由が孤独からくるものであったり、宗教の違いから価値観が全く違う場合は、さっさと別れた方がいい。世の中、思いやりがあって優しい男性はたくさんいます。特に、浮気相手と別れる度に寄りを戻してくれ、と泣いて頼む男なんて最低ですよね。人を労わり、思いやる気持ちがない人って本当にいるんですよ。不愉快な思いをして、そんな男にくっついている必要はない! 人生の無駄遣いです。

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Through away such a kind of guy from the window!

 Are you a woman who wants to be with a guy even though you want to break up with him? When you talk about your worries about your company to him. He always says, “You are to blame.” He never says kind words. In addition, he plays around with many women. Nevertheless, you wouldn’t dump him.

  You often see a man and a woman who couldn’t break up with him even though they quarrel often, don’t you? Is it a so-cold inseparable relationship? She couldn’t dispose of him even though she always felt unpleasant every time she made a date with him. Does he have something good, or is he a good-looking guy for you? If she is charmed by him, it is suitable for her to follow him to the bottom of hell. However if the reason that she cannot dump him is coming from “loneliness” or “the difference of values” through religion, I recommend disposing of him. There are many gentle and compassionate men in this world. Significantly, the guy who cries and asks to get back together after breaking up with a mistress is the most terrible. The guy who has no caring and sympathizing for people exists. She doesn’t have to be with such a guy. It’s wasteful spending of life.

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