尼崎連続殺人事件の真実 By 一橋文培

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 この本は、人間の心理を巧みに利用した残虐極まりないドキュメンタリーです。私達の隣にも同じような性質の人間がいるかもしれません。いや、そんな人は滅多にいるもんじゃない、と思いますか? 程度の違いこそあっても、平気で残酷なことをする人って結構いるんじゃないですか? どの世界にもトップに君臨した指導者がいて、その組織に所属する人間はトップに従わざるをえません。

 凶悪犯は優しい言葉で巧みに他人に近寄り、親切な人だと思い込ませる。ここまでは誰にでも簡単にできそうです。しかし、ここからが正念場で、バックにどんな人物が存在するのかチラつかせます。もしかしたら反社会勢力とつながりがあるのではないかと思わせるのです。ほとんどヤクザとの交流はなくても、もしかしたらそうかもしれない、と思わせる演出はできます。たとえば、反社ではないが、刺青を入れた人と親しくしている人って怖いですよね。日本人はまだオシャレで刺青をする人は少ないですから。さらに、たくさんのやばそうな人が深々と頭を下げているその人は反社の中でも地位の高い人のように見えるでしょう。そんな人と共同生活をするとどうなると思いますか? このドキュメンタリーでは、犯人と同居することになった家族の悲惨な運命と恐ろしいマインドコントロール手法が書かれています。人間の脳は簡単にマインドコントロールされてしまいます。





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『The truth of successive murders in Amagasaki.』By Humiya Ichihashi.

Will the human brain go crazy so much so soon? The fear of being killed shall mind control the human’s brain. The families are obeying the criminals. What was waiting at the end of the strong mind-control that gave their lives? It was just the brutal death and unfinished regret. The criminal, having lived on others’ money without any hesitation, her life was a rocky road filled with anguish.

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 This book is a ferocious documentary using human psychology cleverly. There might be the same person next to us. No, do you think that there are few such kinds of people? Even if there is a difference in degree, quite a few people do something cruel calmly, don’t they? Every world has a leader who reigned at the top, and people who belong to the organization must obey the leader.

 The brutal criminal approaches others with skillful words. Everyone can easily do up to hear. So here goes the crunch time. She shows off what kinds of people are in the back. She makes people believe that she might be connected with antisocial forces. Even though she has no connection with Yakuza, she can produce as if she might be so. For example, you are afraid of a person being on good terms with a guy with a tattoo, aren’t you? There are not so many Japanese people getting tattooed for fashion. Furthermore, you believe soon that the person, who has lots of dangerous people bowing deeply, is the high-ranking person in the antisocial organization, don’t you? What do you think will happen when people live with such people? This documentary tells you the terrible fate of the families. They were supposed to live with the criminal and were minded controlled strongly. I was surprised to see how easily humans are mind-controlled.

 She is killing family members one after another, making the coupe divorce, having the family members kill each other, and forcing them to believe that committing suicide is the best way. So she could keep her hands clean. She makes the family members fight among themselves by taking advantage of the well-built guy to half-kill one of the family members: she makes them believe that they would have a terrible time due to this big guy when they betray her. The description that the criminal hit the face made me shiver. Furthermore, the criminal adopts some family members convenient for her so that the police cannot intervene due to civil affairs. Through doing this, the family ranking arises, and breaking the family occurs.

 I am wondering how such kinds of criminal was growing up? She had a sad childhood. She had been born up under her parent’s unimaginable and fierce speech and behavior. She seemed not to have a good family. So, she might have turned to such a crime. She plaid up being the family members with nonblood-related others to cause them to break up and squeeze the last penny out of them. A human dies in a moment; they are minded control soon and kill each other. There are no family ties. She might have consoled herself by making up the family by herself, destroying it, and killing the family members.

 Because this is a horrifying story, I won’t recommend this book to a person who doesn’t want to read. A company that fired staff for no reason might have the possibility to use the same way in principle as this criminal of this story did, even though they didn’t kill anyone. In the company I worked for before, the director cherished only two staff; they showed off their close relationship with other teams: the director often invited the two staff and accommodated them. So, no matter how unpleasant action the two staff did, other staff stayed silent. If the two who are good friends with the director hate someone, they worry about what will happen to themselves.

 A reader who wants to read this book will be careful not to be minded control when you experience the same phenomenon as this book told you. I do want you to run away from a person trying to mislead people cleverly, promoting people’s sense of fear, and running on the road of self-destruction. I know that the criminal in this book learned her method from Yakuza. There are lots of nasty ways to get anti-vomiting.

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