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あなたを不愉快にさせる近隣住民がいるとします。あなたの生活にいちいちケチをつけてきて、意地悪な言動を繰り返しています。あなたには特にこれと言って趣味もなく、その日のおかずを考えるだけの毎日。気に入っている洋服にケチをつけられても、優しいあなたは何も言い返すことができず、悶々としています。くそったれ! 今度不愉快な思いをさせられたら、絶対に言い返してやる! どんなことを言ってやろうか、と仕返しをする自分を一日中イメージして過ごす。
なんという時間の無駄遣いなんでしょう! カウンセリングに行っても何か夢中になれる趣味を持つようにと言われるのがオチでしょう。確かに夢中になれることに没頭するのはいいことです。趣味以外にもうひとつアドバイスすることがあるとすれば、人間は目の前に見えている世界がすべてで、それ以外の人や物は存在していないことが分かったら楽になれますよ。
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あなたの脳を支配する不快な人間を消す・Put out the uncomfortable person dominating your brain.
The world we live in is all illusion, so a person and a thing that seems to exist are not there. Various scenes appear as we are watching a movie. But after the movie ends, the only thing there is the white screen. Life Theater might be that kind of thing.
Assume a neighbor is making you unpleasant. He always complains about everything you do in your life: he likes repeating nasty words and deeds. You don’t have a specific hobby; you are just thinking about today’s dinner. Even though he finds fault with your favorite cloth, you can’t reply to him because you are a kind person. You are spending agony. Fucking! “I should talk back when he makes me unpleasant.” You are spending all day thinking about what you talk back to him.
What a waste of time! If you go to counseling, you will have the advice to find a hobby that makes you crazy. It is nice to have a hobby that makes you happy. If there is another piece of advice besides a hobby, it is easier for you to understand there is nothing besides the world you are watching: there is no person, nothing besides what you can see.
First, it is essential not to see the nasty neighbor. I will advise you don’t see his house even though you live next door to him. When you are working, everything does not exist without your husband, children, home, etc. Just things in front of you exist. Strange! But this is true.
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