ちょっと待った! それって役に立つ資格なの?
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今回のブログは、読者を少しがっかりさせてしまうかもしれません。いや、相当がっかりさせるかもしれません。でも、間違えた道を歩まないためにも、頭の隅に少し入れておいてほしいと思います。 例えば、イラストを描くのが得意ならイラストレーター養成所のような学校に行きますよね。しかし、残念ながら、イラストがうまい人は星の数ほどいますから、プロとして成功する人はわずかだと思います。イラストレーターにも、英検のように一級とか二級とかあるんですかね? 履歴書を書く時の飾りのようなものであるなら、やめといた方がいいかもしれません。それよりも独自の描き方を発案して、自分がその世界のブランドになるほうが効率的だと思います。イラストの場合だったら、YouTubeなどで無料の描き方を指導してくれるサイトで十分じゃないかと思います。さらにシビア―だと思うのは、薬剤師や弁護士などのように長い年月を経てやっととれる資格です。大学での学費も半端じゃないです。薬剤師はけっこうやめる人が多いです。マッチ箱のように小さな空間でわずかな人数の薬剤師が仕事をしています。ソーシャルディスタンスじゃないですけど、職員と職員の間の空間って大事だと思うんですよね。狭いところで働いていると、人間関係を悪化させやすいような気がします。弁護士に関しても、お客さんが指名してくるような弁護士になろうと思ったら、たくさんの問題を解決してきたキャリアが重要になります。資格はあるけど経験がないというのは問題です。弁護士資格だけじゃなくて、美容師資格も年を取ってから取る資格じゃないですよね。それに、折角取った資格が自分に向いてない場合もあります。そんなことを言っていたら何もできない、と言って怒られそうでが、好きな得意分野で食える、という大言壮語は捨てたほうがいいケースがあります。
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Wait for a second! Can you make money with it?
There are more and more people trying to qualify due to the recession. Do you think you will never be short of a job with a qualification? You had better believe if you can live on the capability you want now or soon. It isn’t significant to get stuff blindly without thinking about what Japanese people or people worldwide need and if it is a qualification suitable for your age.
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The schools scattering qualifications to the students aim moneymaking. There is no school to advise you not to get a license. To live in the modern society chaotic and unstable, we have to find the available materials by ourselves. Not qualification, But materials. I agree with the license to upgrade your materials by nature.
Today’s blog might make you disappointed. No, it might be let you down ultimately. But, I hope you keep what is written as follows in the back of your head, not going the wrong way. For example, people good at drawing go to trying school to become an illustrator, don’t they? But unfortunately, there are as many people good at drawing as the number of stars, so I believe that a few people become professional illustrators. I wonder if the illustrators can get a first-grade or a second-grade license. I don’t know. If it is a decoration for a resume, you had better not get such a license. It is more efficient to establish your brand than you learn at school. As far as an illustration is concerned, the sites like YouTube to guide you on the drawing are enough. It is free.
What I think is even more severe is a license requiring long years. The university tuition is expensive. I hear that there are many pharmacists leaving pharmacies. A few pharmacists are working in narrow spaces like a matchbox. I’m not talking about social distance, but the space between staff is essential. I wonder if human relationships worsen when working in a narrow area. As for the lawyers, if they aim to become a lawyer that customers appoint, the carriers they have solved many problems are essential. It is a problem that they have only a license and no experience. Not only lawyer qualification but also cosmetology license is not a license that we get late in life. Furthermore, there are some cases where they find a license unsuitable. You might get angry said that we cannot do anything thinking like this. But there are cases that they had better throw away boasting: they can live on what they like and are skillful.
There are two types of qualifications: one for hobby and living. If you aim for the latter, you had better check if it is helpful for you before you go to school. You should dispose of the idea: it is no problem if only you have a qualification, registered nurse, and large-sized motor vehicle license. It is also a problem to start your business because you cannot find a position. It is hazardous to start a business without thinking if you are suitable to run a company. If you are young, you might be able to do it over again. You cannot redo some cases if you push things too far at half-age. I also had a hard time. We have such a time. Probably, you have something that you don’t like so much, but you are good at doing. It is necessary to check if you have been brainwashed because someone said so.
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