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会社の飲み会は行く派? 行かない派?

カマたくさんは、Twitterフォロワーが120万人超えの超人気者です。その人気の秘密を探るべくこの本を買いました。カマたくさんのお仕事はオカマバーのエンターテイナーです。私も若いころ、地元のオカマバーに行ったことがあります。印象は、トークがうまい、歌もうまい、突っ込みがかっこいい、お客様を絶対に飽きさせない、など、生まれつきのセンスと、いろんなことを笑いに変えてしまう魔法のトークの虜になってしまいました。この本の中では、オカマ言葉で表現されたカマたくさんの生きざまが、彼の優しさとセットで読者の心に響きます。とにかく人生をエンジョイすることに全力投球している彼の姿が人気の秘訣だと思いました。私だったらとても耐えられないような過去の経験を、カマたくさんはオモチャにして遊んでいるのでしょうか? カマたくさんは悲惨な過去をものともせず、むしろ武器として、あるいは過去にとらわれて苦しんでいる人の癒しの素材となって、今のカマたくさんが誕生したのでしょう。トラウマもイジメもブラック企業も吹き飛ばすカマたくさん! ちまちま悩んでいる人はこの本から「元気」を頂きましょう。好きなことで身を立てるんだ、と選択肢を狭めるのではなく、好きじゃなくても、大なり小なり得意分野があるでしょう。ミュージシャンにならなくても、学校の先生にならなくても、映画スターにならなくても、仕事のほうがあなたを発見してくれますから大丈夫。

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🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

“Take it easy. You won’t die even if you don’t work hard” By Kamataku.

What is a professional person?
 How do you interpret the situation that you have no friend?
 Why am I not popular with the opposite sex?
 Do you know how to quit a rogue company?
 Which person are you?
 The person joining a drinking session or not entering?
 Some people are not interested in humans.
 What will the future of that person end?
 What should we do to take off the past trauma?


 Mr. Kamataku is a super famous person whose Twitter follower is more than 1.2 million. I bought this book to search for the secret of his popularity. His profession is an entertainer of the gay bar. When I was young, I went to the Gay bar in the local area. I became captivated by their way of good talking, excellent singing, and being good at retorts.  They have a native ability that never tires customers and magical talking to change various things into laughter. His life explaining gay male speech in this book resonates with the readers with his kindness. His way of life doing his best is his famous secret. He might be playing with his past: the terrible experience I could not stand if I were he. He thinks nothing of the tragic past, or rather, He uses his bad experience as his weapon or as a healing material for people suffering from the past. These experiences might create what Mr. Kamataku is today. He has the power to blow off trauma, bullying, and an evil corporation! You over there worrying over minor things! Why don’t you get “the energy” from this book? You do not limit your options; you should live on your favorite job, but find your substantial area even if you don’t like it. Even if you cannot become a musician, a teacher of the school, or a movie star, it is OK because work will find you.

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