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黄金のキャッチフレーズには、「楽ちん」「たった~」という言葉がセットになっている場合が多いことに気付いてください。たった一周間で英語ペラペラとか、わずか三日でシミが消えるとか、そういうフレーズに、これはいい! と思う人は要注意です。言語はそんなに甘いものではありません。言語吸収力が最も素晴らしい赤ちゃんは別として、日本語で育った大人が一週間で英語ペラペラになるのは神業です。最近は和製英語でかなり単語力がアップするなどと言っている人を信じてはいけません。間違った和製英語もけっこうあると思います。車のフロントガラスは、英語では Windshield です。バックミラーもサイドブレーキも英語ではありません。調べてみてください。顔のシミに関しても、アイフォンやスマホをあまり使っていない中高年女性が騙されるのではないかと思います。カメラの機能でかなり修正された写真を作ることができます。シミの大きさにもよりますが、高い化粧品を買い続けるよりも、美容外科でシミをとってもらうほうが経済的ではないでしょうか? 一本が一万円もする化粧品を10回買うと、10万円になります。
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Don’t be fooled by the golden catchphrase.
What you started due to being bankrupt will often be no. When you cling to the golden catchphrase feeling like clutching even at the straw, you will become poorer, or you will beat your head against a brick wall. The young people had better start making money for their business. I hope you walk more safely. It is essential not to choose the easy way. Don’t be fooled by the golden catchphrase.
Any things that you get quickly will not become an excellent weapon. Because it is easy to get it, it’s not astonishing that many people have it. It would be best if you have some efforts to make yourself have a scarcity value. It is needless to say that a person with more than two specialties is better than someone with one thing.
I hope you notice that most of the golden catchphrases have the word “It is easy.” “Only~” “You will be a fluent English speaker in only one month.” or “Your stains on your face will disappear in only three days. If you think it is nice, you must be careful. Studying a foreign language is not that easy. Excepting babies who are easiest to learn a language, it is divine work for an adult living only with Japanese to speak English fluently in three days. It would help if you did not believe the people who said that Japanese people have already known enough vocabulary due to the Jinglish recently. There are quite a few wrong Jinglish. The front glass of a car is a Windshield in English. The back mirrors and side brakes are not English. Check them by yourself. As far as the stains on the face are concerned, middle-aged women are deceived by the advertisement. The recent smartphone or Aiphone has a significant function that edits the photo. According to the size of the stain, it is more economical to have plastic surgery than to buy expensive cosmetics. If you continue purchasing a cosmetic cost of 10,000 yen, you will pay 100,000 yen in 10 years.
The more you are tight on money or the ugly face, the more you are easily deceived. The golden catchphrase sounds like the angel’s words. You should act or decide so that the devil’s words would not fool you.
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