『授乳』 By 村田紗耶香
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物語の展開は主人公佐々木ゆきが家庭教師の男性をオモチャにして遊んでしまうという大胆な状況から始まる。両親の愛情を十分に受けられなかったゆきにとって、世界は二つに分かれていた。触れると相手の体温を感じる世界と何の感情もなく喧嘩も問題もない世界。あなたはどちらに所属したいですか? 家庭内の対人関係を嫌っている主人公は後者を選んだ。思いやりのある優しい家族に恵まれた人は前者を選ぶ人が多いのではないかと思う。ゆきは、様々な人間関係を経験しながら、現実の世界と自由に創造できる世界との違いに気付く。
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『Brest feeding』By Sayaka Murata
There is a case that the family members that look close are not getting along actually. The child who saw through it is watching the world with cold eyes. Do you have confidence in yourself? Don’t you think it is correct to do some things like the robot obeying the roles?
What about the real world?
The story begins when the heroine plays with the male tutor as if he were her toy. For the heroine who didn’t get enough affection, the world is divided into two: one in the world that she can feel a human’s warmth when she touches somebody. In the other world, there are no emotions, no quarrel, no problem. To which world do you want to belong? The heroine who doesn’t like her family members chose the latter. A person who has an excellent affectionate relationship among the family members would choose the former. While Yuki is experiencing various human relationships, she finds the difference between the natural world and the world that she can freely create.
I find the novel’s sentence is glossy; the scene description appealing to human’s sense is sharp and fresh as if it were a picture. Feeling heart beating and relaxed like watching a movie, getting excited with the next device, I finished the story in one sitting.
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