天才的な発想力があればなぁ・I wish I could have a stroke of genius.
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儲け話って魅力的ですよね。短期間で数百万円儲けたとか、月収一千万とか、ほとんど努力はいらないとか、普通の人には考えられないような経験を見せつけられると、もしかしたら、私にもできるかも? と思ってしまいます。
最近、儲け話についての本がよく売れています。かなりの売り上げを達成した人がそのノウハウについて書いており、タイトルからも、これなら私にもできる、簡単そうだ、と読者をすっかりマインドコントロールしている域に達しています。ドジョウは柳の下に二匹はいない、と思ったほうが無難です。本に書かれていることは著者が成功した例であり、読者も同じようにうまくいくケースはほとんどない、と言ってもいいでしょう。アフィリエイトやグーグルアドセンスで、生計が立てられるような人は本当にわずかだと思います。他人の商品を宣伝して儲けるよりも、自分の商品を宣伝して売るほうが何倍も楽しいでしょう。広告で稼いでいる人は星の数ほどいます。世の中には膨大なサイトがうじょうじょあって、稼ぎ方に関する本も、すでにたくさん出ています。その中でバズりまくる人はわずかだと思いませんか? そんな夢も希望もないようなことを言うな、と怒られそうですが、何が言いたいかというと、書籍になっている儲け方のシナリオはもう陳腐化しているということです。つまり、儲かっている人は、新しい戦略を作り、古くなった戦略を書籍にして売っているのだと、私は考えます。ネットで儲ける方法はたくさんあると思います。そういう方法論ではなく、中身で勝負しないとうまくいかないんじゃないかなと、最近強くそう思うようになりました。ここ広島では、面白いやり方をやって売り上げを伸ばしている飲食店があります。お客様のことを「社長」と呼ぶことになっていて、店に入るなり、「社長さん、来られました」と声がかかります。美味しい料理だけで勝負するんじゃなくて、いい気分にさせてもらえるわけです。また、有名人が色紙にサインするように、お客さんにサインしてもらって、店内にお客さんのサインを飾る店もあって、有名人になったような気分が味わえるのです。マズローの自己実現の欲求を利用したやり方は、他にもたくさんあると思います。人間にはだれでも、理想の自分になりたいという欲求がありますからね。商売というのは、人間の欲望を満たすのが目的ですから、いろんな角度からお客さんの欲望を叶えられるように工夫するのが商売の醍醐味だと思うのです。
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I wish I could have a stroke of genius.
I made scattered sushi.
Don’t you think that lots of conger ell look good?
When I mixed conger eel and rice,
conger ell tore off to become smaller before.
Since then, I made it a role to put conger eel on sushi.
Yes, it is natural to do it.
Well, what do you define as the word regular?
People who earn lots of money have a fantastic idea.
Juicy information is attractive. For example, you can earn millions of yen for a short period. It is possible to reach more than 10 million yen per month. Furthermore, you don’t have to make any efforts. Many people tend to think that I also could do it.
Recently, the books of business have been selling well. People who earned considerable money through his way of making are writing know-how of his course of business. Looking at the title, many people think it could be possible for them, seems easy, and then brainwash them. It is safe to believe that there are no two loaches under the willow. What you read in the book is in the case of the writer. You could say that there is almost no case to succeed besides the writer. A few people could make money to live through affiliate and Google Adsense. It is often more interesting to advertise a thing made by yourself than to promote other people’s goods. There are many people to make money through advertisement as there are stars. There are enormous blogs here and there in this world. It is also easy to find know-how books about earning money. Don’t you think only a few people can make a buzz on the internet? Some people would get angry, said: “Don’t say like that; there are no hops or dreams.” What I want to tell you is that the scenario of earning money novelized is already so old. In brief, I think a person who earned lots of money through the new strategy is earning more money through the old way of making money. There are lots of ways to make money through the internet. Recently, I have come to think that people in business should not compete in methodology but with the contents. There is an excellent restaurant boosting sales through the interesting method here in Hiroshima. The restaurants’ staff call a customer president. When someone enters the restaurant, they say, “The president came.” It follows that not only delicious dishes but making a customer comfortable is the motto of the restaurant. One more exciting restaurant has a unique way to please a customer; they let the customer sign on the card for autographs and decorate it in the restaurant as the famous person does. The customer feels like a celebrity. There are many other ways to take advantaging of Maslow’s desire for self-actualization. Everybody has a desire to become their ideal self. The business aims to fulfill a human desire, so devising the methods from various fields to satisfy customers’ wishes is an authentic charm.
What you can get from the books for business are the way and device. As far as the idea is concerned, we must find it by ourselves. I want to cultivate a sense of business to get customer’s hearts and minds. The customers have never been satisfied with the points or the bonus products recently.
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