英語学習についての誇大広告に注意!・Be careful of a dazzling advertisement of English learning!
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英語に関しては日本では、かなりの誇大広告が溢れています。言語の習得があまりにも簡単であるように宣伝し、高い教材を買う羽目になって大損をした人も少なくないと言われています。「聞き流すだけ」で英語がうまくなると思いますか? 文法や構文がバッチリ頭に入っていて、分からないのは単語だけだと言う人なら、聞き流すだけでも役にたつ教材かもしません。ちなみに、アラビア語を聞き流すだけで習得できると思いますか? 文法の分からない外国語は雑音と同じじゃないですか?
英語圏の国では、三歳児でも英語を話しているじゃないか! 私達大人も、まずは聞くことから始めるべきだ、という人もいそうですね。人間は一歳位の時から言語を習得する脳の働きが強烈に活発になり、どんなに天才的な知能指数の持ち主も勝てないほど、物凄い速さで言語を習得すると言われています。私達の脳はもう二度とあの時の脳には戻らないのです。日本語で生活してきた普通の人にとって、言語を習得するのに一番大切なのは文法だと思います。英語はどんな構造になっているのかを知らないと、いくら高い教材を買っても、聞こえてくる英語はただの雑音なのです。小中学校で習った英語を忘れている人がいくら英語で映画を観ても、砂の上に家を建てているようなもので、何度立て直しても、いつまでたっても、英語はモノになりません。Be動詞と一般動詞の区別すら忘れてしまった人は、英語を習い始めた時の教科書や参考書でもう一度勉強しなおしたほうがいいです。そして、覚えたら、実際に覚えた英語を使ってみることです。さらに言うと、英語を読む力と聞く力と話す力は別物のような気もします。私がニューヨークに住んでいた頃、英語で話す事ができても、聞くことができない日本人がいました。彼女は渡米する前に相当英語を勉強したようで、綺麗なアメリカ英語で話していました。でも、相手の言っている英語が聞き取れないのです。彼女はニューヨークに来てまだ二カ月だと言っていましたから、今からどんどん英語がうまくなるんだろうな、と思いました。
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Be careful of a dazzling advertisement of English learning!
There are lots of English teaching materials in Japan. Sweet slogans are flying around, said, “Just listening to English is effective.” “Even old people come to speak English fluently.” “You can master English in only one month.” As far as you are not an innate bilingual, you would not master English so quickly. I’m going to talk about my idea of English learning today.
Many dazzling advertisements of English learning materials are overflowing. I hear that a few people who lost money for expensive English teaching materials said it is easy for everybody to master English. Do you think just listening to English is enough to master English? It might be meaningful for people who learned English grammar and sentence structure and don’t know enough English words. By the way, do you think that they can master Arabic by just listening? The foreign language that they don’t understand grammar is just noise.
There might be people who say even a three-year-old child can speak English in English –speaking country! First of all, we should learn a foreign language by listening. I hear that the human brain that knows the language is most active when they are one year old; their language learning speed is so fast that an adult who has even genius intelligence quotient could not win. We could not get back the infant’s language learning brain. For the regular people who have lived in Japanese, I think grammar is the most important. If you don’t know English sentence structure and buy expensive materials, the language you are listening to is nothing less than noise. People who forgot English they had learned in elementary and junior high school could not master English no matter how many movies you listen to in English. It is like constructing a building on the sand. You will not master English forever no matter how many times you try to build a tower. You had better study English again with the textbooks or reference books that you started to study English first if you forgot even the difference between B verb and ordinary verb. And when you learn it, you should use the words that you have just learned. Additionally, I feel that reading, listening, and speaking English are different from each other. When I was living in New York, I met a Japanese woman who cannot listen to English even though she speaks English. She said she had learned English so hard before she came to New York. She was speaking beautiful American English. But she couldn’t understand the English other people said. Because she has lived in New York for only two months, I thought that she would be a good English listener and speaker from now.
Because our adult language center will never get back the infant brain to learn a foreign language, I suggest learning English grammar first. And then, it is essential to learn idioms, vocabulary, sentence structure. Furthermore, English composition will help you to listen to English easily. If you know the pattern of a particular English way of talking, you will predict the next English word. It is difficult to understand a foreign language completely, as far as we are not native English-speaker. But, we can enjoy our life, if we know English.
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