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The message coming from a child’s violence.
The child is swinging a bat, kicking a door, sticking a knife on a tatami-mat, shouting in the neighborhood if he dislikes something. Sometimes, I see a person like the above. The parents are scared of their child, give up living with him, and begin to live away from their child or place their child in an institution.
I think there are lots of reasons that the child becomes violent. When you know that he has ADHD, you should go to see a doctor. You should not solve the problem by yourself. If you think that the family members have family conflict, you might be getting close to seeing what is wrong among the family members. For example, if you have more than two children and put a lot of expectation on one child or praise and boast him, he would always be nervous. The parents suck if they always compare the eldest son excellent in school records and the younger brother poor in school records, said: “The eldest brother has a brilliant grade in school, but why don’t you have poor grades?” They might encourage the younger child to study more, said like this way as the parents. But, their way to nurture might be good for one child and be inadequate for another child. Even though they are poor at required subjects like English and mathematics, they might have incredible talents at drawing like painter Yamashita. Or even if they have no skills, they might be so kind and considerate towards other people. When I was working as a nurse, I have taken care of one child who frequently wanted to do wrist cutting. She has countless wounds on her wrist. There seemed to be hesitation wounds not deep to threaten life. If she tried to commit suicide, she must cut off the artery that a nurse counts the pulse on a wrist. The blood would blast up to the ceiling. Even though she committed suicide in the hospital, her parents didn’t visit her. A problematic behavior like this might be the message:” Please look at me too.” It is the shouting of a lonely person who is starved of affection. When the child is disappointed in the parents’ existence that initially protect and help their children, the adolescent child is considerably shocked. If you use violence towards your parents, please appeal to someone for assistance: the school teachers and the city hall staff members will do. Your parents might be psychopaths. You don’t have to love each other only because you are parent and child. You can give your parents a cold stare until you come to earn enough money to live by yourself. When you begin to work, the victory is yours. I will recommend you to leave home soon and live by yourself. If you are the parents who have a violent child, please find the good in your child and praise them. Have you ever looked down on your child compared to another child and the other child in school? You had better look back at your speech and behavior once again.
You are a lucky person if you are born with considerate parents. I can only say that you are fortunate. Most people are living feeling anxiety and disgust against their parents or children. It depends on how badly the parent-child relationship is. In some cases, they had better live apart from each other. Be careful of your parents. Some stupid parents believe that food, clothing, and housing are the very things that prove their love for their children.
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