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電気式なので、洗う時にコンセントをさす所に水が入らないようにしないといけません。洗う時に結構気をつかいます。また、マジックを置いて一緒に写真でとったのですが、プレートが小さいので、1人用~2人用です。三人いるとかなりきついかも? 我が家には丁度よい大きさでした。
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Enjoy the grilled beef party! __that’ incredible!
Due to Corona, it is hard to eat at the restaurant.
I do introduce the Nikumaturi.
Let’s grill the meat at home with your family.
Buy your favorite meet.
Cut your favorite vegetable.
Let’s appreciate our happiness.
< What I love the plate most is following.>
This hotplate is smoke-less! How great! It has a part like a drawer under the plate to pore 300cc water, which the oil of the meat drops into it. You can grill the meat evenly and enjoy the beautifully grilled meat because all parts of the plate get hot in all corners. Even though you examined the forcemeat, you can peel the dirty part off from the plate with your chopsticks; the dish will be clean as if you washed it. You don’t have to clean or wipe to grill the next meat.
<what I don’t like is folloing>
We must be careful to wash the plate because it has the consent to plug the cable. If you pour the water into the outlet, it might be out of order. Furthermore, you see the felt tip pen on the picture. This plate is small, only for one or two people. Three people are exhausting tough to use it. It is just a wide plate for my family.
Eating meat at home might be more reasonable than going to the restaurant. We spent 10,000 yen on beef, sausage, etc. The amount of meat is too significant to eat and put the rest of the meat into the refrigerator to eat other days.
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