未来を想像して苦しんでいる人へ・ To people who worry about the future.
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To people who worry about the future.
No matter how hard you worked, you couldn’t find the job you like. You feel worried if you can marry. Many young people don’t know what to do to solve these problems. Even if you were working steadily, you might be fired. Although you are marriageable age, you might worry about having no boyfriend or girlfriend, feeling frustrated. Don’t you want to have some suitable method to eliminate the suffering?
No matter the era you were born, there would be a person who doesn’t have any suffering. 70% of our life was made of torture, 30% remaining might be a happy life. Besides millionaires, most people realize that it is hard to live. At one time or another, humans experience the war, being a flu epidemic in one age, and suffering an economic recession. With what idea should we live easily? Some people might ask a person who worries jobless if he or she is picky. I couldn’t understand a person who asks in this way, ignoring his feeling. You have not time to have an ideal home-pay, to have two days off a week. People who are fired and looking for jobs are finding jobs desperately, getting unemployment insurance. I think women who hope to marry rich guys to live a wealthy life are decreasing. Because there is nothing that will never change, a rich guy would fall into poverty at once. Everybody couldn’t marry unless he can make sure to earn. Marriage is a life. It is not that easy if only you love your partner. The number of unmarried people will increase on and on, and the low birthrate will continue. How could we overcome this age? We had better stop the idea that marriage brings happiness to us and being single makes us unhappy. The frivolous reason worrying about public decency and lonely death will make the situation worse. As for a job, you don’t have to work if you cannot find a job. Some people try to work part-time until you know what job is suitable for you. If you do so, you will have to work hard to pay rent, food expenses, etc. So, it may make more sense to live with the welfare, searching how you don’t have to get the interest. It is OK to be beyond all sense of shame to be alive. As long as we are living in Japan, we are OK to use the last safety net. One more we have to be careful of is not to be cheated by the successful business talk. If you are incredibly in trouble of money, somebody might fool you to pay all of the funds to bullshit AdSense, said, you will get a million yens per month. If it is true, there will be nobody in trouble with money. I hear that people have lived in Hiroshima city after the war were miserable. They were eating the tangerine peel, corn core, and insects to survive hunger. The human could still live. How slow the situation is, nothing is permanent, and the same problem will never continue. There is no time to be picky about your job or be embarrassed to get livelihood protection because your parents and brothers know it. I should get the welfare as you cannot eat without the salary. It is not necessary to let your neighbors know that you live on welfare. You had better live on the government’s help until you can live by yourself. Life is more important than appearance. You will marry if fate smiles on you. Even though he is mired in debt, he will marry according to his future. Conversely, he will never match if he is not linked by fate, however rich and high in his social status. According to non-duality, we are just playing the role God gave us in the designated story. The phenomenon that you keep your life on welfare is just happening. There is nobody who is getting livelihood protection in the real world because nobody is born. If we can observe all happening as it is, like reading a novel, you will live comfortably, said it is unexpectedly.
Previously, in some prefecture, I have heard the news that someone starved to death without money. We should stop thinking that it is embarrassing to make our parents or brothers know we are getting welfare and that we are also embarrassed by ourselves. Humans will die without money, won’t they? People who have the trouble that they cannot marry also had better think about the standard of happiness. Some people become unhappy due to marriage. In that case, we will be suffering five times more than people who have not married. Whatever people around you said, you will get on the rescue ship. I believe that a reasonable period comes as long as you are alive.
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