毒親対策・Measures against toxic parents
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過干渉な親を放置しておくと、つけあがりますから、年齢相応な態度で接してほしい、と自分の意見を主張してください。極端な例をあげると、遊びに行く時も仕事に行く時も、着ていく服を指定したり、食べる時のハシやスプーンの持ち方まで厳しくチェックしてきます。すでにもう知っていること、今からやろうと思ったことを先取りして言われるとムカつきますよね。一軒家に家族みんなで住んでいる場合は、毎日いろんなことにつけてチェックされるとイヤな気分になったりします。「また言ってるわ」と思って、「分かりました」と答えた後、言う事を聞かないでスルーすることができるならそうしたほうがいいです。たいていの場合、このような支配的な親は、子どもをマインドコントロールしていますから、子どもは、お母さん、またはお父さんの云言う事に間違いはない、と思い込んでいるので厄介です。支配的な親に育てられると、自らアクションを起こすことができなくなったり、折角アクションを起こしても、私の言い方は大丈夫だっただろうか、誰かの心を傷つけなかっただろうか、私はみんなに嫌われることになるかもしれない、などと思い悩むようになりかねないのです。そうなると人生すべてが苦痛になります。それこそポツンと一軒家で山の中に住むしかありません。幼い頃の両親がどのようにして自分を教育してきたかを思い出してみましょう。このブログを読んでいる人は、マインドコントロールから解放される時がきたのです。親の言うことは間違えだらけだったと思いませんか? いつも親の言う通りにしてきた人は自分の中身が空っぽで、決断力がなく、NOと言えないため、嘘のYESだらけになり、人からの信用を失うのです。自分で判断することができないので、常に人の意見を聞くようになったりもします。自分一人で決断を余儀なくされると、脳から危険信号が出て非常に不安になったり、パニック発作を起こしたりします。脳の偏桃体が異常に反応してアラームを鳴らすのです。あなたがもし幼い子供なら、学校の先生でもいいですから、助っ人を見つけておくことをお勧めします。優しい子なら、お父さんやお母さんに恥をかかせたくない、と思う気持ちが湧いてくるかもしれませんね。生活能力がない子供は、親に見放されたら生きていけませんから、仕方なく不当なことを要求している親の言うことを泣く泣く聞いてしまうのです。生活能力がある人なら思い切って一人暮らしを始めるのもいいと思います。毎日、お姫様やお殿様みたいに権利を振りかざしている両親と一緒に生活するのは、心身共に疲れ、憎しみがつのるばかりです。親がまだ支配的なだけなら許せるかもしれませんが、暴力を振るう親なら、役所や精神保健福祉士などにヘルプを求めましょう。
一番危ないケースは、自分の親が毒親であることを知らない場合です。そのまま親の言うことに従っておけば間違いない、と思い込んでいるから厄介です。自分の親は毒親で、間違ったことを言って支配的になっているんだな、と知ることが親の支配から自由になる第一歩です。親以外の人と接触している時、ビクビクしていませんか? 自己評価が低くなっていませんか? こうしなさい、ああしなさい、という親に対して、そうしたくない自分の理由が言えるようにしておきましょう。
毒親対策・Measures against toxic parents
What is the person who is a toxic parent? I hear that there is no particular definition for poisonous parents. Roughly, it is the person who has a significantly negative on a child. For example, it is the parent who forces her values on her child; there is a dominant parent, urgently advocates, said, “You must be bla bla, and helicopters as if her child were only three years old no matter how old the child gets. As stress builds up in the toxic parent, she will throw shit at her child.
The first you must do is that you know your parent is toxic. Judging strictly, almost every parent might be harmful. Because no parent is perfect, the definition of a toxic parent would be wide-spreading forever. It would be best if you protect your mind against unpleasant words thrown by your toxic parent. Don’t take the comments seriously. Leaving a terrible parent, she will go overboard so that you will insist on your opinion, said, “I’d like you to appropriate for my age. Taking an extreme example, she will specify you are clothed when you go to hang out and go to work; furthermore, she will check the way to use chopsticks and spoons strictly. I know it is natural to get angry when your parent preemptively tells you to do what you already know or what you are trying to do now. If you live in the one house with your family members, you will be unpleasant when your parent checks your actions every time you do something. In most cases, the dominant parent like this has been brainwashing her child, so it is troublesome to believe that what the parents said must always be correct. The child raised by the dominant parent might be worried about various actions; he will not act by himself. He might be concerned about if his words were correct or not after he did something. He is always worried about if his words might hurt someone. Furthermore, he might be worried about if his words might break someone’s heart. At last, he will be worried about if everybody might dislike him. Then, the whole life will become painful. There will be no way, but he lives in the house with nobody around him. Let’s remember how your mother educated you when you were young. The time when you remove the brainwashing has come because you encountered my blog. Don’t you think that what your parents said was full of mistakes? The person who has followed his or her parents tends to lose someone’s trust because he or she is not a deep thinker, indecisive, cannot say “No” and say fake “Yes.” He cannot decide anything by himself, so he also tends to find an answer through other’s opinions. When he was forced to choose by himself, he gets a danger signal from the brain and feels very anxious or gets a panic attack. The Amygdala of the brain reacts abnormally and sounds the alarm. If you are a young child, I recommend finding someone who helps you. A teacher from your school will do. If you are a considerate child, you might worry if you embarrass your parents. Abandoned by his parents, a child is incapable of living, so he has no way, but he follows his parents unwillingly even though parents make unreasonable demands. If you are an independent person, it is nice to dare to live alone. Living with your parents who assert their rights every day as if he or she were a king or a prince, your mind and body will be both tired, and your hatred grows. You might still forgive if your parents are just dominant. But if the parents were violent, you should ask for help from the government office or a psychiatric social worker.
The most troublesome case is that you don’t know that your parent is the toxic parent. It is sticky because you believe that you will never mistake if only you follow your parents. The first step is to know that your parent is toxic and dominant, said what is wrong to break free from the toxic parent. Aren’t you anxious when you come in contact with people besides your parents? Isn’t your self-evaluation low? When your parents tell you to do this and that, you should prepare why you don’t want to do it.
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