『コンビニ人間』 BY 村田紗耶香_芥川賞受賞作
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“Convenience Store Woman” by Sayaka Murata
This book is an Akutagawa prize-winning novel. A person differentiates the normal and the uncommon unconsciously. Those who are judged to be unusual will be excluded or face a decision to be average.
This book is the requiem sent to us who are living in the hardness human world. The heroine Hurukura was working at the convenience store, playing a pretty different character by imitating staff members. One day, a man named Shirahane began to work part-time. He is also one of the uncommon like Hurukura. One day, Shirahane came to stalk a lady customer. It was revealed to the convenience boss, and he was fired. Before long, Hurukura and Shirahne began to live together without romantic feelings. Hurukura is over 30 and had no romantic experience. He sees her as a social burden and made fun of her. Still, Hurukur didn’t get angry, and she accepted his proposal to become an average person. Shirahane didn’t feel like working. He was trying to live on her salary after she quits working at the convenience store and start to perform full time as regular staff. He said to her, “It is more normal to live with a man, to work at a company than to live alone with your age working at the convenience store.” Furthermore, he told her to hide him from the world, and she should need him to let people regard her as a normal lady. Both the family member of Hurukura and the convenience staff members blessed her because she has the possibility of getting married. The strange cohabitation started with the man who sleeps in the bathroom and the woman who lost working at the convenience store. Soon, she will have a job interview that Shirahane found. What happened to her and him. what kind of life waiting for the uncommon.
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