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ところがある日、スパゲティーの店を出すために、この場所を選んだ夫婦がいた。山根さんという夫婦で、頭文字を取って店の名前は、ミスターY・ポポロン! かわいい名前つけやがったな、でも、今にみてろ、俺様が、ミスターY・ボロボロにしてやる、と思っていた。俺は屋根裏の穴から奴らの仕事ぶりを見ていた。でもなぁ、いつまでも、状況は同じじゃないんだよな~。奴ら、きれーに店を改築しやがってさ、オシャレーな感じの若い女の子向けの店にしやがった。それに、奴らは商売上手で、グーグル広告はだすは、ちらしは配るは、で、マーケッティングのセンスが半端じゃないわけよ! あっという間に都内に支店を10店舗も出しやがった。
チクショウ! 俺は悔しくて悔しくてしょうがなかった。アッと言う間に福の神だらけになっちまったよ。貧乏神は俺一人。俺は肩身が狭くなった。このままじゃ、貧乏神の組合から追い出されるな、と思って毎日屋根裏部屋で泣いていたんだ。そんなある日、誰かが屋根裏にやってくる音が聞こえた。「誰?」その声は明らかに山根さんの奥さんの声だった。もう夜九時にもなっていた。いつも月明かりで過ごしていた俺を強烈な光が襲った。奥さんが懐中電灯で俺の顔を照らした。「うぉ~~~~~!」と、叫んだのは俺の方だった。俺は人間に姿を見られたことがない。そもそも、人間は俺の姿を見ることができない。でも、不思議なことに、奥さんには俺が見えていた。「あんた誰?」奥さんは、きょとんとした顔で特に驚くわけでもなくさらっと言った。俺は、自分が貧乏神であること、今までたくさんの店を倒産させてきたこと、などを話した。奥さんはとても優しい人で、俺の話を親身になってきいてくれた。しばらく話していると、旦那さんもやってきた。旦那さんは、俺と奥さんを見ると、「なんだ、君たちか」とこりゃまたサラッと言ったんだ。「親父さん、俺のこと知ってるの?」「ああ、貧乏神だろ?」二人とも、俺がここに住みついていることが嫌じゃないのか? 親父さんの話によると、福の神から俺のことを聞いたらしいんだ。奴らは俺を追い出そうとしている。福の神は全部で十人。俺一人じゃ勝てない。俺は長年住みなれたこの屋根裏部屋を出て行かなければならない状況に追い込まれちまったんだ。この場所での俺の役目は終わった。俺は泣いた。泣いて泣いて泣いたんだ。すると、奥さんと親父さんが、ずっとここにいてもいいって言ったんだ。貧乏神なのに。俺は貧乏神だよ! それなのになぜ? 翌日、山根さん夫婦は、福の神のボスにかけあって、俺をここにおいてやってほしいと頼んでくれたんだ。俺は複雑な気持ちだった。
面接の前日、俺は美容室に行って、バサバサの髪をきれいに整えた。奥さんがブランドの高級なスーツを買ってくれた。でもな、悪臭を放っていた俺の服は捨てずに屋根裏部屋にしまっておいた。風呂にも入った。鏡を見ると、そこには中味と外見がまるで正反対の不思議な生命体が写っていた。俺がどんな気持ちだったか、君らは分かってくれるかな? 口からウンコを吐きそうなくらい気持ち悪かったよ。俺って、貧乏神だからさ、姿勢も悪い。悪いっていうよりも、俺たちの中ではそれが普通なんだ。あ~~、明日は面接だ。背筋をまっすぐにして、福の神に転職する意思の強さを強調しなければならない。でも、まあ、奴らの前だけで福の神の振りをしてりゃいいんだから大丈夫。奴らの目が届かないところじゃ、俺は屋根裏部屋で俺の好きな服を着て好きなようにのんべんだらりと過ごしていたらいいわけだ。はは。らくちーん。奥さんも親父さんもそれでいいっていうんだから、お言葉に甘えちゃおう。翌日、俺は紹介状を持って福の神協会に行った。そこにいる間は、俺にとって地獄のような時間だった。それでも、なんとかクリアして、無事に引き続き屋根裏部屋に居させてもらうことになったんだ。
ところが、物事はそう簡単にはいかないんだよなぁ。あれは、雨の降る薄暗い夕暮れ時だった。俺が屋根裏部屋でお気に入りの服を着てくつろいでいると、福の神のトップとその部下2人がやってきたんだ。トップはいきなり俺の胸倉をつかんできて、俺の頭をぶん殴った。いったい何が始まったのかと思ったら、トップがこんなことを言ったんだ。「おまえ、ちゃんとまじめにやれ! なんだその汚い恰好は! いつになったら福の神らしくなるんだ! 俺の顔に泥を塗る気か!」とこうきた。ついてきた二人の福の神にトップが目で合図すると、二人はいきなり俺に襲い掛かって、俺の服を脱がして窓から捨てたんだ。俺は無理矢理スーツを着せられ、ネクタイをつけられた。せっかく、奥さんと親父さんが、俺の好きなようにしてもいいって言ってくれたのに、物事は思うようにならなかった。俺は必死に福の神になろうとした。そんなある日、コロナという手ごわいウイスルが流行して町に緊急事態宣言が出たんだ。店は自粛を余技なくされて、あっという間に、10店舗あった支店が全部つぶれ、元あった一つの店舗だけになった。福の神っていい加減だぜ。景気が悪くなるとさぁ~、さっさと退散だもんな! 冷てぇったらありゃしない。ヤクザより質が悪いね。そして、やっと緊急事態宣言が終わって、町に活気が戻ったころ、ものすごい強豪のスパゲティー屋ができたんだ。子どもから大人まで大人気で、あっという間に支店を10店舗出しやがった。そのお蔭で親父さんの店は大変な目にあったんだ。なんでも、その強豪のスパゲティー屋は、家族経営でやってて、幹部は全員身内らしかった。噂によると、人使いが物凄く荒くてね、職員が定着しなくてすぐに辞めるらしいんだ。でさぁ、俺、その店の屋根裏に潜伏して観察したんだ。そしたら、そこの店主ってやつが酷いヤツでさぁ、わざと職員が定着しないようにしてたんだ。そのほうが、ボーナスもやらなくて済むし、昇給しなくてもいいだろ? 調理のしかたなんて、ほんの一部の人間に教えていたわけさ。それ以外の職員はみんな雑魚! つまり、その店ってさぁ、誠実で一生懸命働いた職員を犠牲にして荒稼ぎしてたんだ。今どきのブラック企業ってわけよ。それにね、ここだけの話なんだけどぉ、親父さんのところから去って行った福の神が、その店にいたんだよ! 信じられなかったよ。あいつら、ロクなもんじゃないぜ。だってね、親父さんのところであれだけお世話になったのに、不景気になったらサッサとくら替えするんだからね。奥さんも親父さんもいい人だよ。あいつら、人柄なんかどうでもいいんだからな。てめーらが平然と引っ越してきた店の経営幹部を見てみろ! どんだけ腹黒いことやってると思ってるのか! てめーらには考える脳みそがあるのか! お前の頭は飾りか! 話してると、俺はだんだん興奮しちまってさぁ、そしたらジャスミン・葉子が笑う笑うってもんじゃない。大笑いさ。貧乏神の俺が正義の味方になるなんて面白かったんだろうな。
どう? 貧乏神もたまにはいいことするでしょ? じゃあまたね。バイバイ。
↓ いつもクリックしてくださってありがとうございます。応援してください。
Hello. Ladies and Gentlemen!
I will write a blog instead of Jasmine. Yoko.
To tell the truth, I’m the God of Poverty. I’ll talk about the story that I had been struggling to become the God of Wealth.
By the way, Jasmine. Yoko is my friend.
I had a drink with her last night talking about old times. We heated up. Hahaha.
She loved my story and asked me to write a blog instead of her.
The God of Poverty and the God of Wealth
I had settled down on the first floor of the old building’s loft. It became a noodle restaurant, a Takoyaki shop, a Yakitori-ya restaurant, various kinds of restaurants opened and bankrupted. Yes! I made them bankrupt. Look at me! I’m the God of Poverty. HaHaHa. Well, It is not necessary for all my fault. There are only two parking lots at the restaurant. Furthermore, it is poorly situated. How could someone want to do business in such a wrong place? I have always thought that way. Since the last Yakitori-ya restaurant bankrupted, nobody had engaged in business there for a long time.
But someday, one couple chose this place to have a spaghetti restaurant. Their family name is Yamada. Their restaurant’s name is “mister-Y-Poporon taking the first letter! How dare them! How pretty mane it is! You wait! I will make your restaurant be mister-Y-Punctruptcy. I was watching how they were working through the hole on the attic’s floor. But, the situation will not be the same everlastingly. Oh shit! Guys redecorated the restaurant to become a fashionable shop for young girls. And more, they are good at business to advertise by google AdSense and disperse leaflets. Their way of marketing is perfect! Piece of shit! They set up ten branches in Tokyo so fast.
Damn it! I cannot help but feel so disappointed. The restaurant was filled with lots of the God of wealth before you could say Jack Robinson. It is only me to be the God of Poverty. I began to feel ashamed. I was crying in the attic room, thinking that if it goes on like this, I will be kicked out of the God of Poverty Union. One day, I heard someone coming to the attic room. “Who is it?” It was the authoritative voice of miss Yamada. The clock showed that it was already 9 PM. The intense light struck me that has always been in the moonlight. The madam lighted my face up by the flashlight. “Wooooooooooow!” it was me that shouted. No human beings have seen me. Initially, they cannot see my appearance. However, strangely, she was looking at me. She wasn’t surprised by my presence, looked stupefied, and said without hesitation. “Who are you?” I talked to her that I was The God of Poverty, I have made many restaurants go bankruptcy, etc. She was so kinda woman and listen to my story intimately. While we were talking for a while, her husband also came to my room. When he looked at his wife and me, he said smoothly, “There you go again.” I asked him, “Do you know me?” he answered, “Yes, you are the God of Poverty, right?” I was wondering if they don’t like me living here. According to the master’s story, he had heard of me from the God of Wealth. They were trying to throw me out. The number of the God of Wealth was 10. I couldn’t beat them alone. I was almost forced to leave the attic room, which I’ve got used living for a long time. My role was over here in this place. I cried, cried, and cried. Then the madam and master told me that they don’t mind living here as long as I like. I am the God of poverty. Yes, I am sure the God of debt! Then why? The next day, they negotiated with the boss of the God of wealth and said that they wanted the God of poverty to live as usual. I felt complicated.
Guys of the God of wealth placed demands on me for living here. According to the master’s story, unless they kick out the God of poverty, they would take the terrible penalty from the Association of the God of wealth. Then they demanded me to become the God of wealth by force. I heard that they said it was OK for me if I
pretend to be the God of wealth if I can’t do it well. First, I need the letter of recommendation to change jobs to the God of wealth, which the master who has more than the 10 God of wealth must write. I will bring it to the Association of the God of wealth. Second, I will have an interview and have to show a strong will to become the God of wealth. The master said he would write the letter of recommendation. He looked refreshed and said, “it is easy because all you have to do is just pretending to be the God of wealth. It wasn’t so bad. And I decided to do as the master said because it was troublesome to find the next place.
On the day before an interview, I went to the beauty salon, and I had my dirty hair set. The madam presented me with a brand deluxe suit. But, I decided to keep my dirty clothing, giving out a bad smell in my attic room. I took a bath as well. I found a strange creature in the mirror. That was me, which the inside and the outside were quite different from each other. You readers of this story, do you understand how terrible I was feeling? I felt sick to the extent that I feel like vomiting dump from my mouth. I’m the God of Poverty, so I have terrible posture. It is not a bad posture, but it is normal among us. Ohhhhhh. I will have to have an interview tomorrow. I’m sure to straighten my backbone and appeal my sound mind that I want to become the God of Wealth. Oh, No. But never mind! It is OK to pretend to be the God of Wealth only in front of them. Behind their backs, I could lead an idle life wearing my favorite clothes in my attic room. Haha. Easy-going! The madam and the master said it is OK for them, so I accept their kind offer. The next day, I went to the Association of the God of wealth with the letter of recommendation. Every moment that I was there was like torture for me. Nevertheless, I managed to pass the interview and got the right to continue living in the attic room.
However, It can’t be dealt with quickly. It was a dark rainy evening. When I was relaxing in the attic room, the head of the God of wealth and his two subordinates came to see me. The head grabbed me by the collar and hit me on the head. I couldn’t understand what happened. The chief said, “Hey, are you taking the piss? What the hell is your dirty appearance? Can I ask how much longer it will take for you to be like the God of Wealth? You embarrass me.” The head sent eye signals to his two subordinates, who rushed at me to take off my clothes and threw them out of the window. I was forced to wear the suit and the tie. Even though the madam and the master said that I could do what I want, I couldn’t do it at my pleasure. I was straying to become the God of Wealth. One day, a formidable virus called corona was going around, and the government declared a state of emergency. The stores were forced to refrain, and all ten branches of their restaurants went bankrupt in no time. Their only one restaurant was the original one. The God of Wealth was sloppy. As soon as the master found them lose money, they dispersed rapidly. What a cold guys they are! They are much nastier than yakuza. When the emergency declaration finally ended, and vitality returned to the city, I found the competitive spaghetti restaurant appear. Anyone from adults to children can enjoy it. They opened ten branches fast. Due to it, my master had a terrible experience. I heard that their restaurants were family-run, and all executives are family members. According to rumor, they work their men hard, and staffs leave the restaurant soon. Then I decided to be hidden in their restaurant’s attic and observe them. Then I found that the restaurant’s owner was such a terrible guy who was always planning to make their staff leave on purpose. It follows that he didn’t have to give them so much bonus and raise their salary, right? He taught only a limited number of staff how to cook. Besides them, all crews were wimpy! In other words, they were raking in the Benjamins at the sacrifice of the team that was working hard and sincerely. That’s a trendy rogue company. Plus, this is between you and me, all of the God of wealth that left my master’s restaurant was there! I couldn’t believe it. They suck! Well, you know? Even though they owned a lot to the madam and the master, they went to a different restaurant as soon as their restaurant grew dull. Both the madam and the master are the right persons. They don’t mind how the person’s character is. I do want the guys to look at the executives that you moved in. Did they notice how black-hearted business they were running? Did they have the ability to think? Are their heads only some decoration? While I was talking, I was getting excited gradually. Jasmine Yoko was laughing and laughing and cracking herself up. I wonder if she felt amused because I, the God of poverty, became the knight in shining armor.
Then, I decided to live in their black-hearted restaurant. It was an excellent spot for me. My friends from the association of the God of Poverty also supported me. It is easy for me to defeat the guys who think much of only their profit in this way. Their restaurant went out of fashion soon and went bankrupt. The building of it became ruins. Even now, I’m living there. Sometimes, the madam and the master of ‘mister-Y-Poporon’ brought a delicious spaghetti to me.
What about this story? Don’t you think that even the God of Poverty does a beautiful thing? See you. Bye.
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