傘地蔵 リメイク版 贅沢三昧の老夫婦!
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たまお爺さんは、髪飾りを持って出かけました。途中、地蔵峠のお地蔵様が頭に雪をかぶって寒そうにしていましたので、雪をはらいのけてあげました。大晦日の街は慌ただしく、行き交う人も速足でした。お爺さんは、ひとり、またひとり、と声をかけましたが、誰も買ってくれませんでした。日も暮れかけたころ、頭に被る傘を売っておる男に出会いました。その男も、ひとつも売れなかったと寂しそうにしておりました。二人は、髪飾りと傘を交換することにしました。この冬一番の寒い夜で、冷たい雪はお爺さんの肩に容赦なく吹き付けました。帰り道の地蔵峠を通り過ぎようとした時、何者かがお爺さんに話しかける声がしました。「寒いぃ~」「誰じゃ?」「めっちゃ寒いわぁ~」「誰じゃ? どこにおる?」「俺や、ここの地蔵ですわぁ」お爺さんがお地蔵様のほうをふり向くと、六体のお地蔵様の内、一体が前に進み出て、「その傘がほしい」と困ったアピールタップリに訴えてきました。お爺さんが、六体のお地蔵様の頭の雪をきれいに払いのけて、一体ずつ傘を頭にかけておりましたら、なんと傘は五つしありません。
そんなにうまく行くわけないけー! じゃあな。
おい、待て! こら! こんな臭い手ぬぐいはいらん! 傘をくれるまで俺はお前を帰さへんでぇ。
あんた、なんで傘を被っとるん? お地蔵様に傘を被せてあげにゃーならんかったのに。このお話を聞いてとる子供らがみんながっかりしてしまわー。ど~したらええんじゃろ~?
しかし、なんということでしょう? 質素な生活でも幸せだった2人は、どんどん贅沢になっていったのです。おきん婆さんの持ち物といったらブランドばかりになり、たまお爺さんの車は今やクラウンになっていました。二人は限りなくほしがり、お地蔵様は二人の言いなりになっていくらでもお金を出してやるもんだから、いつしか2人は贅沢三昧の大金持ちになっていました。
あんた、どうしょ~! ウチの収入源はお地蔵様のオシッコだけよ。あの方がいなくなったら、どうやって食べていくん? 困ったわ~。
早う行って、お地蔵様を説得するんじゃ! 絶対に帰って来てもらうけーの。
「ワシらは夢を見とったんかのぉ~? ここにある物全部が愛おしい。ワシらの大切な道具じゃ。」
Kasa Jizo ⇐ Title
Once upon a time, there lived a lovely old couple, who were poor, but getting along well. An old lady’s name is Nuts, and her husband’s name is Bolls. They are Nuts and Bolls, a harmonious couple. It began to snow early this year; the snow lies thick on the roofs of houses, which became pure white like wearing a cotton hot. Even though it’s the new year, they have neither miso nor rice.
It is freezing. Hungry insects are honest. They are rumbling.
However hard we may work, we do not find ourselves growing rich. We had to pay lots of annual rice tax this year again, and our share was a drop in the bucket.
I was wondering if this might happen. Look. Here they are. I made the beautiful hair ornaments. I’m sure we can sell these. Hey, Go out to town and sell. I hope we can at least buy rice Bolls.
Ohhhhh! What lovely ornaments they are! I will go to sell them right now.
The old man Bolls went out with the hair ornaments. He found the Jizos shivering from cold with snow on their heads at the Jizo pass, and he brushed it away. The city was busy in the new year’s eve, people were walking fast. He called out to one by one to sell the ornaments. But nobody bought them. When it was almost dark, he saw a man who was selling woven hats. The man looked so sad, says, “I couldn’t sell even one of them.” They decided to exchange hats and ornaments. It was the coldest night of the season, the chilly snow blew to the old man’s shoulders without mercy. When he almost passed the Jizo pass on his way back home, he heard someone call out. “It is so cold.” “Who is it?” “It is freezing.” “Who are you? Where are you?” “I’m here. I’m the Jizo standing here.” When the old man turned around, one of the 6 Jizos stepped forward and said, “We need woven hats you have.” He appealed to the old man for help. When he was brushing snow away from each Jizo’s head, he noticed that one hat was missing. All caps he had was only 5.
It cannot be helped. Settle for my hand towel.
You should give me your woven hat. All Japanese children know this story. You must do according to the scenario.
Without it, I’m getting cold. I will not give it to you.
All you have to do is following the story. Then I will bring lots of vast treasure to you. You and your wife will have a happy new year.
Not going well like that. Bye.
Hey! Wait! Hey! I don’t need a hand towel like this. I will never let you go home until I get your hat.
Don’t push it too far.
Like this, Jozo accompanied the older man to his home.
Can I use the bathroom? I have an urge to urinate.
The bathroom is over here. No need to ask. There is nothing good in our house.
Hey! Who is this person like a jizo?
As you see, he is the Ojizosama.
Hey! Hey! Hey! Why are you wearing a woven hat? You should’ve given it to Jizo. Children listening to this story will be shocked. What should I do?
The old lady Nuts in trouble began to argue with Bolls. Nuts got furious with Bolls because he had not done following the scenario. Then, Jizo made an excellent proposition. Jizo brought the two to the bathroom. To their surprise, they found 6 ten-thousand notes there. According to Jizo, His urine changes into a bill. As a result of their three’s discussion, Nuts and Bolls decided to get independent income live from Jizo. In return, they must admit Jizo as a family member and provide meals to him. Jizo was delighted because he had hoped to live with humans someday. Nuts and Bolls, who were harmonious originally and not luxury, are also happy because they can live without hunger.
However, oh my goodness! They came to live in more luxury, even though they had been satisfied with a simple life. When it comes to all things of Nuts, they were all brands. The car of Bolls was a Crown. They required unlimitedly, and Jizo gave them as much money as they wanted. Then they made a fortune and lived in luxury.
It was one such day. When Nuts and Bolls came back from a luxury restaurant, they found that Jizo was gone. There was a letter on the table.
<The letter Jizo left>
Thank you for everything you have done for me.
I will go back to the Jizo pass.
Are you two happy?
Are you lucky with lots of money with which you can buy everything you want?
I was glad to see your happy faces.
I felt good, but I am getting bored.
I don’t know why.
Let’s see. I began to feel empty.
Did you enjoy your dishes in a restaurant?
I like simmered food you cook.
I will never forget the taste of it.
Thank you very much.
And good-bye.
The older man and lady who surprised jumped on the Crown and headed to the Jizo pass.
Hey! What should we do? Our source of income is only Jizo’s urine. How should we live without him? Oh! No!
Let’s go early and persuade him! I’m sure to bring him back to my house.
But how could we convince him?
Maybe, we hurt his feelings because we didn’t bring him to the restaurant. Why don’t you take him to the restaurant from now on?
When they arrived at the Jizo pass, the 6 Jizos stood quietly in the moonlight. It is the very Jizo that is sixth, shortest, and lived with the older couple. Their face looked as if they were crying with the night dew. Jizo didn’t say anything even though they talked to him. Patting on his hard body like a stone, he didn’t say a word. The older man and lady asked him hard to come back to their home. “We promise to take you to the restaurant from now on, so please, please come back.” They ask again and again, but there was no answer. When it was in the middle of the night, they gave up and went home.
When they woke up the next morning, their ragged hutons with many patches and the decayed walls caught sight of them. Their sweet of home! Not even disappointed, but they felt safe to see how nostalgic everything was.
Hoes and sickles they have used were the same as before in the corner of the hut.
“I’m wondering if we were dreaming. Everything here is so sweet. Our precious tools!!
They backed to their original life, but they become happier than before.
Thank you for reading my story through to the end.
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