Bullying among teachers in Japan・日本のイジメ・神戸市東須磨小学校

Hi! Everyone. Let’s think about the bullying in Kobe-shi Higashi Suma elementary school in Japan. Now, we often watch the video recorded the bullying scene among teachers in the school on TV. Even though a victim teacher has pixelated a face, I noticed his face was swollen and injured clearly. It is quite an injury case. The victim should file criminal charges and get him arrested.

みなさま、こんにちは! 今日は神戸市東須磨(ひがしすま)小学校での教員へのイジメについて考えてみましょう。今、テレビでイジメの現場を写した動画が盛んに放送されています。被害を受けた教員は、モザイクがかかっているものの、顔が腫れて傷ついているのがはっきりと分かります。あれは完全に障害事件ですね。刑事告訴して逮捕してもらうべきだと思います。

< Circumstances of bullying >

Attacker teachers are three 30s males and one 40s female. It reports that bullying among teachers started in 2018. Attackers have struck a 20s victim’s body, made him eat super spicy curry forcibly, and rubbed the curry on his eyes and mouth. Besides this 20s victim teacher, three teachers have received bullying: one 20s male teacher and two 20s female teachers. One of the female teachers was forced to send a sexual message, locked mobile phone so that she cannot use the phone, and they harassed her to kick her car and to pore drinks in her vehicle intentionally.




< the letter a victim teacher sent to the TV station >

A man who has forced to eat the super spicy curry has been absent from work due to poor health. Comments from a victim teacher came to the TBS group’s TV program called “GOOD LUCK” The explanation that Hasen Kyniyama announcer read on behalf of him is as follows.



I have been dreaming of becoming a teacher since I was a junior high school student. And I went on to the department of education with my family support. I felt rewarding at a teaching practice and got guided by excellent teachers. I was studying for a teacher recruitment exam keeping “ I will become a teacher by all means.” in my mind. I passed the teacher recruitment exam due to the support of my family, friends, and university teachers. I could become a teacher, and I was filled with excitement until my work placement decides.
But, the teachers that I was dreaming were quite different from what I had imagined. Bullying against me started in the summer of the starting year. I began to replace “the bullying” to “they are just kidding me” by myself. I tried to understand that they were dealing with me, and I was getting a laugh. However, I was forced to say and do what I have never imagined. I was always afraid of being ignored if I don’t do what they told me. When I didn’t do as they said, they said, “I will not do anything for you,” and they came to ignore me. But, they have changed their tune and done unbelievable things that I couldn’t stand. I was afraid of them. After this year’s beginning meeting, even though the principal said that she instructed the aggressor teachers, she never said how she guided them. I thought that it is easier to be dealt with than to be ignored, although I knew it was a wrong idea. So, I did not go to the principal to appeal these things from my side. It was not until the beginning meeting that I explained what were their bullies like because the principal and the vice-principal told me how they bullied me.
“Please do not say that I told you this because I am afraid of being ignored by them.” More 6 months. I have been patient now.” I said. “No, I thought I have to go to do something.” “You must accept their ignorance.” The principal told like this. After that, immediately after she said to me that she instructed them, her attitude changed quite abruptly, she came to ignore me as if I ware an air. On the other hand, some teachers told me sarcastic remarks: you are to blame, I cannot talk to you. Moreover, in April, the teacher that I have trusted betrayed me. So, I have nowhere left to go in the teacher’s room. I felt that teachers were always speaking ill of me, and was afraid of the staff room. Since June, I vomited every morning and went to school, crying every day.


< I want to give him the sack. >

Two of the four attacker teachers were in charge of student consulting for bully-proofing. It reports that one of the four teachers said: “I played a joke.” Furthermore, it became clear that one of them said, “Rebel to your teacher and breakdown in his classroom.” to a student in the victim teacher’s class.
We don’t want to leave our precious children to such stupid teachers. Like the above, the victim teacher wished to become a teacher since he was a junior high school student. I’m sure that he is a person with high ambitions, and I know he has brought an enormous passion for education. Some students just like him. What would students be thinking about this incident? Besides the attacker teachers, all other teachers are also perpetrators because they left him to be bullied without making any attempt to save him. The teachers of school tend to hide bullying because Japanese people regard the schools as the sanctuaries. I think that this case is equivalent to both an injury case and vandalism. So, I want the police to arrest him as soon as possible. I want to see what the faces of the attackers are. Of course, the board of education should invalidate their teacher’s licenses forever.
They might have a mental illness because they injured a colleague so severely that his face got swollen even though they are adults. If they have a mental disease, they should get forcibly admitted to a hospital. I don’t want them to leave the hospital forever. Compulsory hospitalization writes in Mental Health Welfare. After a designated doctor examines a patient, the head of a government-ordinance-designated city decides if a patient should get hospitalized. This method is to adapt to a person who injures others of himself.
If their personality is deficient without a mental disease, I am sure that they act up everywhere: in his family, at the bar, at the restaurant everywhere anyway. They shall cause trouble even in prison. Being in prison is too easy for them. They should be in the dark solitary cell in the basement. Of course, we shouldn’t give them electricity. They must live a whole life there to the extent not to die. This incident pissed me off! If the victim were my family member, I should file criminal charges. What do you think about this incident?



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