Matter is valid・色即是空
Hello. Friends! The other day, I went to Komeda Coffee to order Shironoir, which is so popular among young people. I always wanted to try it. The texture is crispy and moist. It’s so delicious! The Shironoir has two choices: ice cream or whipped cream. I ordered whipped cream. I enjoyed the collaboration of both the crispy feeling of cake texture and fluffy taste of whipped cream.
みなさま、こんにちは! 先日、コメダ珈琲に行って、有名なシロノワールを頼みました。以前から食べてみたいと思っていたんです。生地がサクサクしているのにシットリしていてとても美味しかったです。クリームの部分はアイスクリームにもできるとのことでした。私はホイップクリームにしました。生地のサクサク感とクリームのフワフワ感が絶妙にコラボしていてとても美味しかったです。
The price is 790 yen with a drink. It is quite reasonable.
金額はドリンクとセットで790円! とてもリーズナブルですよ。
Quiet music is playing in the shop. Each box seat is separated with screen and wide and relax. I am sure that you can enjoy chatting with your friends.
Matter is valid
Now, today’s title is “Matter is valid,” which is the idea that everything is not fixed being, and is always changing, insubstantial, and emptiness. This idea is similar to Non-duality. It follows that all things in our eyes do not exist actually, but are just images in our eyes.
“existence” from “emptiness”
We believe that our bodies are ourselves, and we tend to think that we have something like a sole inside our skin, which sole exists in a frame. The Shironoir served in this shop is the beautiful cake, but its shape is changing and becoming smaller every time you eat little by little, and after you finished eating, it is gone, which is quite natural. Human is the same as this cake. Somebody marries somebody and have a baby. One human appears even though there is no sign of him, and parents love him like a treasure. What a miracle it is! And then, he grows old every moment and dies. Everything is born from “emptiness” and goes back to “emptiness.”
We will never die forever.
You might be afraid of thinking that we go back to “emptiness” after we die, don’t you? But I feel that we return to the real world instead of pretending society. I don’t know it clearly because I have never died, but the real me being somewhere knows everything about the real world. When we believe that we all exist here as the expression of the universe, I feel that any anxiety calms down a little. Because we are parts of the consciousness of the universe, we have never died.
Life is a story that God already wrote.
“ALREADY AWAKE” by Nathan Gill says that everything is operating automatically. I was disappointed to know that a result already decided, no matter how hard we work. I gave it my best shot to this idea. God’s novel might include the story: “you work hard to achieve your aim.” Or it is OK for you to decide not to work hard; you are living in the story that you don’t have to make efforts. When you have trouble, it is all right for you to ask for help from somebody, and it is also suitable for you to give up. All thoughts in your mind and everything that happened to you is an operation of the universal energy. We don’t know why we are watching an image of life drama. We will never know it forever. But, why don’t you read the novel which hero or heroine is yourself through to the end?
Mysterious experience
When I had a coffee at Komeda Coffee, I had a mysterious experience. I noticed that lumps hanging from the roof and tables and chairs and so on are just there as they are. It is quite challenging to explain it with words, but everything looks so fresh, simple, and quiet. All things exist there at the mercy of God. Even though a lump didn’t try to become a lump, it was just there as it is. Both tables and chairs exist there. I had a strange feeling as if quiet covered everything. My body disappeared. If I try to explain the situation with words forcibly, just calm and peace were there. Leaving the shop, even when I was driving my car to go home, my both hands were already not mine. I was watching both the arms and the changing scenery while the car went forward. I went back to my house in a moment. I was not exposed to any danger while I was driving; I felt that I caught a glimpse of the world without time. After I stepped into my house, I returned to an original me. I believe that the real world, not the pretending society, is fantastic so that we cannot imagine. How easy it would be if we can see the end of our destiny calmly, steadily, and quietly.
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