蜘蛛の糸・Spider’s thread・I translated it into English.
みなさま、こんにちは! 今日は芥川龍之介さんの『蜘蛛の糸』を味わってみようと思います。この作品は、まるで絵を見ているような美しい日本語でできた芸術作品だと確信しています。蜘蛛の糸が切れてカンダタも地獄に落ちてしまった後、切れた糸がユラユラ揺れているのが目に浮かびます。また、ゆったりとした時間の中で、極楽の情景が映像のように滑らかに心に滑りこんできます。これはもう芸術ですね。この美しい日本語を英語に翻訳するにはかなり無理がありますが、無謀にもこれにチャレンジしました。
Hello. Friends! Today, let’s appreciate “spider’s thread” by Ryunosuke Akutagawa. I’m sure that this book is an artwork made of beautiful Japanese language as if we were watching a picture. After the thread broke and Kandata fell back to the hell, we can imagine that the broken thread is swaying. And, in a relaxed time, the scenery of heaven comes to mind as it was a video. I can only describe it as art! It is quite hard to translate these Japanese into English, but I did it boldly.
It happened one day. Buddha was walking around the pool of the lotus pond by himself. Every lotus flower on the lake is truly white and beautiful, and gold pistils in the flowers are continuously overflowing pleasant smell around, which is beyond description. Heaven seems to be in the morning.
Before long, Buddha stood at the pool of the pond, he saw what the lower bound is like through leaves of the lotuses that covered the surface of the water. From this point where he stood, he can see the bottom of the hell, and he can watch how Sanzu river and hells of a mountain of needles are like through the transparent water like a crystal.
Hereupon, a man named Kandata caught the attention of Buddha. That guy was wriggling with other sinners. He is a notorious thief who committed many harmful acts; he killed people and set fire to other people’s houses. However, he remembered that he had had a good thing. Here is the thing. One day, when he was going through the forest, he saw a small spider crawling on the street. Then, immediately, he raised his food and tried to trample to death. But, he considered soon, said “No, No, this must be alive even though it is quite small. It is so crucial to kill it wildly.” He helped the spider not to kill it.
Looking at the site of the hell, Buddha remembered that Kandata had helped the spider. He thought about helping this guy from hell in return for his great deed if possible. Fortunately, looking at the side, a spider of heaven is spinning out a beautiful silver thread on a leaf of a lotus jade green. Buddha took its thread in his hand gently and hanged it strait far down to the bottom of hell through sparkling lotuses.
Here is the blood pond at the bottom of hell, where Kandata is bobbing up and down. Anyhow, wherever you look at, you couldn’t see anything besides a slightly burred thing in the darkness. It is the needles of the horrible mountain of hell shining sometimes. What a helpless! Moreover, the place is in complete silence like a graveyard, and all the sound you can hear are just slight sighs that sinners are giving. People who have to come here are the most sinful that already had various kinds of fire and brimstone, and so tired that they couldn’t have any power to cry. Therefore, even though he was a notorious thief, Kandata is doing nothing but struggle like a dying frog choking on the blood of the blood pond.
But one day, when Kandata looked up unintentionally and watched the sky above the hell of blood pond, he saw a silver thread coming down to him, which was giving off dull light as if it were afraid of being found by a man. Watching it, Kandata was glad to clap his hands unconsciously. He thought that he would go out of the hell if he clings to this thread and climes up. No, if things go well, he could even enter heaven. If so, he will no longer be pushed to the hell of needles or sunk in the hell of the blood pond.
Thinking this way, Kandata began to climb up the thread of a spider higher and higher with his both hands soon. He was accustomed to this action because he was the notorious thief.
However, no matter how he is impatient, it is hard to go up quickly because heaven is tens of thousands of miles away from hell. While he was climbing up, Kandata was tired at last and became unable to hurl in the thread any more. Then, he didn’t know what to do, and he tried to take a rest. Dangling on the thread, he looked down on the hell.
Just then, in reward for climbing with his utmost effort, the blood pond of hell is now covered with darkness far away from the place he is clinging to the thread. The horrible mountain with needles shining thin is also under his feet. He thought that it might be surprisingly easy to run away from the hell if he continues like this. He harled the thread into his hands, said and smiled, “I’ve got it! Good!” with the voice he has never vocalized for many years since he came here. However, before he knew it, he saw uncountable sinners climbing the lower part of the thread following me: it is as if a line of ants is going up higher and higher. When he saw the situation, he was surprised and afraid of it, and he was doing nothing but move his eyes with his mouth open like a stupid person. The thread is so thin that it might break with even his weight. How can it bear with so many people’s weight? If it breaks while he is climbing by any chance, even he who climbed here at great pains would have to fall back to the hell. If it happens, the fat will be in the fire. But, while he imagines like that, a large number of sinners are climbing up acrawl from the dark blood pond: they are climbing the dazzling thread diligently in line. If he doesn’t do anything when he has time, it is sure that the thread breaks in the middle and he will fall.
Therefore, Kandata shouted, said, “Hey, sinners! This thread of a spider is mine. Who on earth permitted you to climb? Go down! Go down!”
As soon as he said like this, the thread that had no problem so far broke at the point that he clung with a snap suddenly. It is unbearable for him. He plummeted into darkness upside down immediately, without the twinkling of an eye, turning round and round like a spinning top.
After that, the thread of a spider in heaven was hanging down, giving off the dull light at the night sky without moon nor stars.
Buddha stood on the edge of the lotus pond in heaven and observed everything. But when Kandata sank in the bottom of the blood pond like a stone, Buddha started walking with a sorrowful countenance on his face. It is ruthless to think that only he can run away from hell, and he fell to the inferno as a result of his brutal heart, Buddha thought.
However, the lotus flowers don’t mind such a thing at all. These gorgeous white flowers are swaying their calyxes around Buddha’s feet, and the gold cores of the flowers are giving off the indescribable pleasant smell continuously. It might be almost noon at heaven.
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