The outside of life drama・私というドラマの向こう側(感想文)

Hi. Friends! I found an interesting book. It’s “The other side of my drama” by Atuko Yasumoto. when we were born, we are given names and begin to be aware of our existence, which separates from the world. Events that happen among people are illusions which a brain makes up, which is like a drama’s screenplay. All events that happen, even our bodies are like one scenery, and we don’t have to be confused about whatever happens.

みなさま、こんにちは! 素晴らしい本に出会いました。安元敦子さんの『私というドラマの向こう側』という本です。私達はこの世に生まれてきて名前をもらいます。そして、自分という存在が世界から離れていることを意識しはじめます。自分と周囲の人達の間で起こっている出来事は、脳が作り出した幻想であり、ドラマの脚本のようなもの。本当は、起こった出来事も、自分の体も、常に変化する一つの風景のようなもので、どんなことが起こっても決して慌てることはないのです。

The outside of life drama

Ms. Yasumoto enjoyed the opportunity to glance outside of the human world. She says that infinite peace and tranquility spreads there. She talks about the double structure; which means that reality is a concept and the real world exists outside of reality. If God created the dual structure, I’m wondering why God needed to make such a double world. I can only say that it will be beyond the human brain. I am sure that the universal energy called unconditional love is advancing a massive plan. While I was reading this book, I adored all the lives held by the enormous energy of love.


安元さんは、人間が存在している世界の外側を垣間見るチャンスに恵まれました。そこは限りなく平和で静謐なところだったと言います。安元さんは、現実は概念であって、本当の世界は現実の外側にあるという二重構造について語っています。二重構造を作ったのが神様だとしたら、神様は、なぜそんな二重の世界を作る必要があったのでしょうか? それは人間の知恵では計り知れない何かがある、としか言いようがありません。無条件の愛そのものである宇宙エネルギーは、壮大なプロジェクトを進めているようです。この本を読んで、広大な愛のエネルギーに抱かれているすべての生命を愛おしく思いました。

What full of ups and downs tells her

In parallel with the ups and downs of Ms. Yasumoto, awareness of Oneness writes as the music is playing. The more humans have a hard time, the more they search the reason for it. Ms. Yasumoto says that it was hard for her to stop the feeling that is always aiming something. Her characteristics are similar to mine. I was also always on the move and set high goals. However, how well I accomplished a goal, I have never been satisfied. Emptiness always remains; that makes me feel that something lacks. I feel like that every agony starts from our thoughts that our existence is separated from the world and the isolated personnel. If there were only you in this world, what would happen to you? How well I make-up and how nice clothes I wear, there is nobody who sees me. If I become rich and live in a big house, there will be nobody who envies me. We are living with a sense of superiority or inferiority by comparing somethings or other people. The real world might be the place where an individual does not exist. I wish I could see the outside of life drama just once.


安元さんの波乱万丈の人生ドラマと平行して、ワンネスへの気づきが流れる音楽のように書かれています。人間は、苦しめば苦しむほど、なぜだろう、という探求にかられるのです。安元さんは、いつもどこかを目指しているという感覚からいつまでたっても抜けられなかったといいます。私とよく似ています。私もいつもパワフルに動き回って目標を高くかかげていました。しかし、どんなに目標を立派にやりとげても、決して満足することはありませんでした。いつも何かが足りない、虚しい感覚が残ります。自分という存在が、世界から切り離され、分離した存在であると思うことからすべての苦しみが始まっているような気がします。もし、世界に自分ひとりしかいなかったらどうでしょう? 綺麗にお化粧をして美しい服を着ても誰も見てくれる人はいません。お金持ちになってどんなに立派な家に住んでも、羨ましがる人は誰もいません。私達は何かを他人と比較することによって優越感や劣等感を感じて生きています。本当の平和とは、自分という存在がない世界なのかもしれません。一度でもいいから人生ドラマの外側を観てみたいです。

All are in one scenery.

The human brain makes up various stories. But she says that the human body’s skin, hand, foot, or ever part of a body except a brain couldn’t recognize time. Ms.Yasumoto always focuses good deal attention on her body, and then she sees “the moment” has no problem, and perfect world spreads. The moment has neither cause nor effect. She says that problems among human relationships decrease if we stop giving cause and effect to events. The story that Ms. B became estranged from Ms. A after Ms. B spoke very ill of the opinion of Ms. A. consist of the karma story.  Ms. B might regret if I had not said like that, I could go for a drink with Ms. A. However, according to Oneness or the infinite world, speaking very ill of somebody is one scenery like a tree on the ground, and becoming from someone is also just one scenery. No cause nor effect exists there. It is our brain that make up a causal relationship. How interesting!  I imagine that Oneness is a peaceful and tranquil world without strife and comparison with others. I hope I have a chance to glance at Oneness.



I have a budgerigar whose name is Pkun. I leave him outside the cage during the day. I put him in the cage only at night. Every night his bedtime comes, I always have a hard time to get him. He wants to play more and flies around my room so he won’t get caught. At last, I cut his tertiaries so that he cannot fly. Pkun cannot make up the story that he came to be unable to fly because his owner cut his tertiaries. There are only two facts; he cannot fly. The owner cut his tertiaries. Everything rises from Oneness.

Postscript: Pkun’s tertiaries will grow soon and will be able to fly.



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