Nobody exists in this world. Non-duality・この世には誰も存在しない・ノンデュアリティー

Hello. Friends! I wonder why we came into the world and are living here. What kind of place is the land of the dead? What so many sufferings this world is full of! There is nobody who came back to this world after they died. So, all are secret forever. But, I unexpectedly came across a book that saves me from the torture a little bit. It is the book titled “we are already in love” by Naho Owada. I’ going to give my impressions of it, today. I hope that I can have a mysterious experience like her.

みなさま、こんにちは! 私達がこの地球上に生を受けて暮らしているのはなぜでしょう? あの世とはいったいどんなところなんでしょうか? 人間界とは、なんとたくさんの苦しみに満ちているのでしょう。死後、この世に戻ってきた人はいません。だからすべては永遠の謎です。しかし、少しだけ苦しみから救われるような本に出会いました。大和田菜穂さんの『すでに愛の中にある』という本です。今日は、この本の感想を書きたいと思います。彼女が経験した空体験を私も経験できると時がきてほしいと願います。

We have never even been born.

I’m astonished to hear these shocking words and got a scare. The book said that we are just an illusion. But, we exist and feel physical pain when we pinch the skin. The author said that we are just obsessed with an idea that we are living in this world after we are in a strong hypnotic state: there is only universe energy which exists in the universe and everything is just expression of the universal energy. The expression of universal energy includes humans, animals, and things like a chair and desk without life. Furthermore, human feelings, a phenomenon which happens to humans, like studying hard for an entrance examination, marrying somebody are being happened by the universal energy. We have nothing that we can control. Nonduality seems to be like this. One day, Ms. Owada suddenly disappeared and was looking at the scenery around her. Then she realized that she doesn’t exist actually and only one existence is just the universal energy. She said that she enjoyed a feeling of happiness beyond description.
I often hear that a very famous movie star says “I have lots of money. I got almost everything that I want. So, I don’t want to have anything.” However, they continue movie production, don’t’ they? Even though they are not famous, humans are constantly on the move to get real satisfaction. That is to say, we will not be satisfied forever. I feel that we can get real happiness when we encounter something that will never change forever.



I and existence besides I.

Ms. Owada says that all sufferings come from the idea that divides oneself from others. She said such a thing, but my body is not anybody’s body and not connected with others, furthermore, my ideas in my brain are not the same as others. I wanted to deny her ideas. However, she says that everything that includes humans, animals, and plants is the same existence that has the same component which has originated out of the same universal energy. Approached the topic from a different angle, it may be similar to a man who hides in a blanket. When he lifted his right leg in a blanket, you will see the part of the blanket on his right leg bulge. Do you know? When he raised his head, you will see the part of the blanket on his head bulge. When you see just the blanket, the part of his right leg and his head are quite a different creature from each other. But there is only one person under the blanket. Thinking like this, the idea that everything raises from one thing is very interesting. Thinking that everything connects with one energy, I get the impression that I can escape from the loneliness. I think that unhappiness rises from the comparison with others: a woman wants to wear better clothes and to have a better bag than others, and a man wants to promote more than others. Ms. Owada compared all creatures and things to one painting. The painting has the part of the sun, the part of the grass on the ground, and might have a crying girl. Colors cannot say, “I don’t want to be a crying girl. I wish I could be the sun.” Colors fulfill their duty given by the universal energy.
Thinking in this way, when we get into a hole, we might not have to flounder for how we can help ourselves. We are like charcters in a dream, and cannot change the scenario of the dream. Nevertheless, it doesn’t mean that you don’t have to do anything even when you get into a hole, but it means that you can do that comes to your mind. That is the reason why the thing that came to your mind also rises from the universal energy. I feel much better thinking like this because I don’t have to regret the past and blame myself, saying that I shouldn’t have done so at that time.



The real world, not an illusion

The book says that we cannot see the real world because this world that we are living is an illusion and we are living our life story as an independent individual. Ms. Owada says that there is only the infinite space in which there is nothing, and both you and I don’t exist. I hear that the time was the concept made up by a human, and time doesn’t exist in the real world. I read the story of a truck driver in her book. The driver drove to the destination. When he started driving, he experienced a brain freeze and didn’t feel the time. But he arrived at the destination without getting lost. Then the driver realized that both the departure time and arrival time exist at the same time. That is to say, he experienced the fact that time doesn’t exist. All is vanity, aren’t they? According to Ms. Owada, sleeping also makes us know that all is vanity. Even though we slept for 7 hours, we couldn’t feel that we slept for as much as 7 hours when we wake up, aren’t we? Don’t you think that it is similar to the experience that we are concentrating on something? When we are beside ourselves and concentrating on doing one thing, time flies, isn’t it? How strange time is! This content made me remember “The Power of NOW” written by Eckhart Tolle, in which when we concentrate on this moment, we can see all things without a screen called thoughts.
I feel kind of scared to hear that the real world is only the space in which nothing exists. But don’t you recognize that there is “being” in “nothing”, and there is “nothing” in “being”? Yes, all things in this world emerged from the world of nothing, right? We might be similar to a blood platelet in a body. When we get injured, a draft card is issued to let platelets go to the wound to cure it.  In other words, if we comprehend that we all are members of the same boat, a war might disappear and we might respect each other.


何もない「無」のスペースだけがある、というと、なんか怖い感じがしますが、「無」の中に「有」があり、「有」の中に「無」があると解釈できないでしょうか? この世のすべての物は、何もない「無」の世界から姿を現しているのですから。私達は人体の血小板のような存在かもしれません。体に傷が入ると、召集令状が出されて血小板は傷を治しに出陣するわけです。つまり、私達はみんな生命共同体の一員という解釈ができれば、戦争もなくなるし、お互いを尊重し合える世界ができるかもしれません。

We exist in love called universal energy.

They say the universe doesn’t distinguish between good and evil. Just the all things that happened are expressions of the universal energy, perfect, and other things that have not happened couldn’t happen. I couldn’t understand this content. I’m sure that there is “good” or “evil” defined by a human. For example, there is a family that teaches children saying that it is evil and stupid for a girl to laugh loudly. On the other hand, there is a family that believes that it is good for everybody to laugh loudly as in the proverb laugh and get fat. I don’t mind anything when both good and evil are just simple like the above. How about the Kyoto animation arson case? It is unjust. I don’t understand that all things that happened are love expressions of universal energy. How could we say such a thing? Furthermore, how could I say that such a terrible arson case is neither good nor evil? Ms. Owada says that because we couldn’t rewrite a story of the dream, we have nothing but accept everything as it is. But this world is quite cruel and full of many things that we couldn’t accept. Both good and evil are just the concept made up by a human, everything happens spontaneously through universal energy, and all are perfect. When we accept this idea, I feel that a person who wants to do something bad could get everything his or her way.
Ms. Owada said that when an individual loses everything, he or she sees everything appear. I think that we can understand what she said as an idea that we can see a wonderful world in which everything becomes one after we passed away.  However, like the proverb Death ends all, we want to live a meaningful life. I’m sure that nobody will unravel a paradox of universal energy. There will be nobody who can do it forever. Ms. Owada also says that a human can’t understand it. One certain thing is that her experience that all is vanity helped her from sufferings.


宇宙は善と悪を区別していないといいます。ただ起こっていることすべてが宇宙エネルギーの表現であって、起こったことすべてが完璧で、起こったこと以外のことは起こりえない、というのです。ここが私には理解できないところです。確かに、人間が勝手に概念を作って、善だと判断したり、悪だと決めつけている場合もあります。例えば、家庭によっては、女の子が大声でゲラゲラ笑うのはみっともないし、悪いことだ、と子供に教える親もいるでしょうし、笑う門に福来る、男も女も面白いことに出会ったら大いに笑うべし、そのほうが元気があって良い、という家庭もあるでしょう。こんな単純な善悪ならいいのですが、京都アニメーションの放火事件はどうでしょうか? あまりにも理不尽な事件です。起こることすべてが宇宙エネルギーの愛の表現だと言えるでしょうか? それに、あんな事件を悪でも善でもない、と言えますか? 幻想の中のストーリーを書き替えることはできないので、すべてをそのまま受け止めるしかない、と大和田さんは言っていますが、あまりにも世界は残酷で、受け止められないこともたくさんあります。 善悪は人間が考えだした概念であって、すべては宇宙エネルギーによって自然発生的に起こっており、すべては完璧だ、ということになると、悪いことをする人はやりたい放題になりかねない気がします。

Ms. Owada says that there is no God, but I want to say that the universal energy is God. We are doing our best in a hard life with difficulty. If we lose a great supporter, God, we will go astray more. I think that religion was made by a human, so I don’t want to join any religious organization. But I hope that there is one absolute truth of the universe that everybody calls God, and I want it to become an evacuation site for everybody.


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