相手にいい思いをさせておきながら勝つ方法・Defeat your opponent
Hi. Friends! Today, I will show you a technique in handling a person who attacks you.
こんにちは! 今日は自分を攻撃する人の対処法について書きたいと思います。
Long ago, there was a sculptor named Michelangelo. He made a Statue of David five meters high by order of the king. However, the king complained that David’s nose is too high. He has too much pride. He wanted to show off his good sense about sculpture.
Then, Michelangelo put plaster’s waste and two chisels in his pocket and climbed up a ladder to reach at the nose. He made a noise by hitting one chisel on another and sprinkled plaster’s waste on the floor as if he were lowering the nose.
Even though the height of the nose was not changed, the king was satisfied thinking that this is a beautiful nose, I have a better sense than Michelangelo. Michelangelo also was completely satisfied with his work without any opinions of others.
This is an advanced technique pretending to accept somebody’s advice and ignoring it. It requires acting ability as well. When you are attacked by somebody saying “You shall never finish your job! Why don’t you do like this! Fuck you!” you will say “Oh thank you. That is a wonderful idea. I’ll do it.” and praise him or her. And never accept it. I think this technique is nice.
Please refer to “Clinch technique” as well. But if you belong to a group, that is to say, for example, a company or a some kinds of circle, that more than 90% of them have the same graduating school, the same religion, and so on, I recommend that you leave there without doing anything. In short, please run away from there. No matter how correct you are, you will lose because they are in an organization.
Thank you very much for reading this bolog through to the end. I’ll be grateful if this blog is useful for your life even just a little bit.
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