Hiroshimahu-Okonomiyaki ! A definitive edition !
It takes lots of time to wash a steel plate. Now, I’ll introduce to cook Okonomiyaki in a pan. Let’s enjoy Hiroshimahu-okonomiyaki full of pork at your home. Today, I’ll tip off about cooking Okonomiyaki with yakisoba, sliced pork, egg. Add cuttlefish, shrimp, rice cake, cheese, etc by predilection.
フライパンでできる広島風お好み焼き! 鉄板だと片づけが大変です。手軽にできて、お肉タップリのお好み焼きを家庭で楽しみましょう。今日は、そば肉玉のお好み焼きを紹介したいと思います。好みによって、イカ天やエビ、餅、チーズなども入れてみてください。
How to cook・作り方
①Cut cabbage into thin strips, wash been sprouts, put them in a drain-bowl and dry them. Prepare two pans.
②Oil a pan, after it’s heated, put a flour mixed with water in a pan.
③Shake a pan and confirm a condition that flour does not stick to the pan. It can be seen that flour is moving on a pan shaking it. Put ingredient In the order of cabbage, been sprouts, and sliced pork on the texture
④Drop a proper flour mixed with water on sliced pork
⑤Continue to bake ④ until the texture is crisp. It’s easy to confirm it when you see that the texture scorches and it’s edge curves upward a little. While you are waiting it, you will bake yakisoba mixing fish meal.
⑥Temporarily, put yakisoba on a plate. After you confirm the texture is crisp, you will turn it over by a turner and bake the other side. The tips of turning it over is a little bit difficult. First, you will put a turner under the texture and then lift a pan to the same height of your face. Second, at the same time of lowering the pan, you will turn it over very quickly. You must minimize the movement of your right hand holding a turner. BE Quick! Anyway Be Quick! Otherwise, a big catastrophe will happen to your kitchen. The texture will brake, cabbage, been sprouts, pork will be scattered. I’ll recommend beginners to use a small amount of cabbage and bean sprouts.
⑦Continue to bake ⑥ until sliced pork is crisp. Sometimes, you will check how well it’s baked by putting a turner under a Okonomiyaki to see the other side. The tips of success is being patient. While you are waiting , you will break an egg into a dish and stir it. After you confirm that sliced pork is crisp and it is not sticky (you can see it when you see Okonomiyaki is moving on a pan when you shake a pan), you can go to the next step. Oil a pan that you used when you baked yakisoba. First, after a pan is heated, you will put an egg on it. You will move a pan left and right and before and behind so that an egg spread through it. Second, you will put yakisoba on an egg.
⑧Hold the pan with texture, cabbage, bean sprouts, sliced pork over the pan with an egg and yakisoba. Slide the texture over yakisoba. It will be combined into one. It’s difficult to explain this in English. 😭
⑨After convination, you will put it on a dish quickly. Do not use a turner at this time. First, you will hold a dish over an Okonomiyaki. Second, you will turn over a pan over a dish. Okonomiyaki on a pan will be reversed to put on a dish showing an beautiful egg.
⑩After you Season it In the order of Otahukusauce, mayonnaise, green laver, you are finished. When you put mayonnaise, “poliwrap” is useful. Wrap mayonnaise in poliwrap and make a hole by a toothpick and then squeeze on Okonomiyaki.
Thank you for reading my poor explanation until the very end.
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