The secret to success? Dare to be different・成功への秘訣 あえて違うことをやる

Hi. Friends! What is the secret to success for you? We tend to choose a thing that is easy and simple. We Japanese often say “there is not two loach under the willow” which means that nobody can succeed if he or she is doing the same thing that other people have already started. Today, I found an interesting talk on BBC IDEAS. He is Nikesh Mehta, a deputy director of the UK’s intelligence agency, GCHQ. Let’s listen to his top tips for success. I translated his talk into Japanese. I’m glad if you use this blog as your English lesson and Japanese lesson.

みなさま、こんにちは! あなたにとって成功への秘訣は何ですか? 私達って、シンプルで簡単な事をやる傾向にありますよね^^ 日本のことわざに、「柳の下にドジョウは二匹いない」というのがありますが、本当だと思いますよ。誰かがすでにやっている事をやっても流行りませんからね。今日はBBC IDEASに面白いビデオがありました。GCHQの副ディレクターをやってらっしゃるNikesh Mehtaさんのトークです。彼の成功への秘訣を聞いてみましょう。日本語に翻訳してみました。英語学習や日本語学習に役立ててもらえたらうれしいです。

BBC IDEAS ☜ ここをクリック! Let’s listen to his talk!

I have often felt like a fish out of water, at various points throughout my career. But I’ve definitely come to the realization that my diversity, and the difference that I bring, is a real strength.



My first tip is DIFFERENT. It can weigh heavily on your shoulders and it can be quite frightening, I think, to take a risk and to do something different and to break new ground. Sometimes people will question you and question whether you’re making the right decisions. And sometimes you’ll question yourself, but that’s okay. My family come from East Africa and India, and so they are the children of Britain’s colonial past.


When I said to some members of my extended family that I was going to work for the Foreign Office there was an immediate sense of, “How could you do this? Do you not remember what they did to our people?” But I think you need to recognize that if you break new ground there will be people who question you, but if you believe it’s the right thing to do, you need to persevere.


So my next tip is ACCEPT FEAR. So I know that when I’m in new, uncomfortable situations I get a strong sense of fear, and my flight mechanism kicks in. And for me, that starts with butterflies in my tummy, and it goes on to trying to think through, “How can I get out of this situation?” So when I joined GCHQ, I definitely felt in those early days that sense of fear and flight.


And I’m surrounded by some incredibly intelligent people and they’re gonna find me out pretty quickly. I’ve learnt, over the years, that actually that feeling only stays with me for a relatively short period of time, and if I ride it out and if I accept fear, that actually it will be fine, and the rational side will kick in soon enough.


ASK QUESTIONS. …that’s my next top tip. Because it’s only through asking and really listening to what people say that you can build relationships of trust and confidence. And in my job, I often meet people from international backgrounds, and the one thing that I always do is to look at what’s on the front page of their local newspaper that day. Because that gives me something topical to talk to them about. What you’re trying to do is to make people feel that you’re really interested in them and what they have to say to you.


My final tip is… FIND A CHAMPION. I think it’s really, really important when you’re breaking new ground to find somebody who will encourage you to be yourself, and will advocate for you. For me, I was lucky that I was able to find a champion fairly early on in my career, and she’s somebody that I will turn to and ask for advice and guidance. But also, don’t forget that you are a champion yourself. I learnt something which was “lift as you climb,” so making sure that you’re helping somebody else to succeed. Part of what drives me is proving people wrong.


The people who said that I couldn’t possibly work for the Foreign Office, because it wasn’t for people from my background. So success for me isn’t about the glory of being at the top of an organization, it’s about having the maximum impact that I can, but also about being an inspiration. So if I can change the conversations, and encourage people to dare to be different and to take a risk, then I feel like I will have succeeded.


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