才華爛発 Beautiful Japanese Lanuage
Hi. Everyone! Today, I’m going to introduce beautiful four character idiom. Look at the title. This is pronounced saikaranpatu. It means being with brilliant, very intelligent, resourceful. 才華 means “brilliant talent. 爛発 means emerging vividly.
I wrote this characters by MediBang Paint. If you like it, please write it by yourself and put it close by you. Off course you can copy this picture or print it out. Please feel free to use this picture. I’m sure you will get lots of power from it.
Japanese language has strong spiritual power. I wrote these characters with all my heart. Read this four character idiom aloud looking at these letters, and you will feel better soon. Japanese pronunciation also has a strong power bringing you good luck.
美しい四字熟語を紹介します。才華爛発! 素晴らしい才能があふれ出ていること、という意味です。メディバンペイントを使ってこの四字熟語を描いてみました。商売を試みている方々の才能が花のごとく開花するよう、そして、幸せを引き寄せるように心を込めて書きました。
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