Love for love, and love for hatred as well
Hello. Today, I want to talk about Joseph (he is a character in The Old Tastement). We want to exact revenge on a person who attacks ourselves. But I think that a real revenge is giving love instead of hatred. Let’s see how Josef acted toward his brothers who had sold him.
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Jealousy of half-brothers
Joseph was born as the first son between Jacob and Rachel. (Rachel was a second wife; he was born as 11th son.) Because Joseph was born when Jacob was old, he loved Joseph much more than other brothers. He gave Joseph beautiful clothes. Therefore, 10 half-brothers came to hate Joseph. One day, Joseph had a dream. It is the dream that half-brothers were jealous of Joseph and they dropped him into a hole, and then Joseph was sold to a general of Median people. It’s astonishing! The dream came true. Half-brothers poured sheep’s blood over Joseph’s clothe and told a lie their father that Joseph got attacked by a beast and died.
Joseph moved up the career ladder
Joseph, who went to Egypt as a slave, became a servant of the grand chamberlain of Egypt named Potifar. He moved up the career ladder there, and came to manage all their possessions. However, he rejected Potifar’s wife’s sexual temptation and was accused unfairly to go to prison. But his talent was highly admired: he had an ability to predict the future through his dream. He received acceptance by Pharaoh to be promoted. He became a premier of Egypt and got married.
Joseph meets his half-brothers again
Joseph, an Egypt premier, made a huge contribution to Egypt government: he told people to save food in preparation for severe famine that was predicted to continue for seven years. Seven year’s severe famine affected over Canaan district where Joseph’s father and half-brothers was living besides Egypt. Then 10 half-brothers went to Egypt to buy grain. They left Benyamin in Canaan, who was the youngest brother that was born from the same mother as Joseph was born. They met Joseph there, but couldn’t notice that the premier was Joseph. However, Joseph recognized that they were his half-brothers immediately. Then Joseph thought that they might be spies, and told them to bring the youngest brother Benyamin there. He wanted to see their sincerity.
Half-brothers left one of their brothers Simeon in Egypt, and went back to their home with grain. When their father heard the story in Egypt, he strongly disapproved of the idea of bringing Benyamin to Egypt. But they have run out of grain. Jacob had nothing to do but decide to bring Benyamin to Egypt. Half-brothers came back to Egypt with Benyamin. Joseph was very glad to see Benyamin and treated his half-brothers and Benyamin to delicious dinner. Thereafter, before they go back to Canaan, Joseph put his silver cups and the money they had paid for grain.
Half-brothers noticed that the premier was Joseph
Joseph told that he was Joseph that they sold. But, he didn’t get angry. On the contrary, he told that the God brought him to Egypt to save people across as wide of an area as possible. Joseph and his half-brothers patched things up with each other. Vassals of Pharaoh was also glad to hear of the story of Joseph. They let Joseph’s family live in Egypt. Joseph was very happy to see his father that had got separated for a long time, all family members came to live happily together.
Darkness cannot extinguish light, but light can extinguish darkness
I am not a Christian, but I like to read the Holy Bible. It is very interesting! When I am annoyed with someone, I remember this Joseph’s story. Nobody can beat “love” as darkness cannot extinguish light. It is difficult to offer someone forgiveness especially in a case that he or she gets bullied terribly. But Joseph took his fate as a good chance that God presented him. I am sure that everybody has a good chance to prove himself or herself somewhere.
Thank you for reading my blog through to the end.
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こんにちは! 今日は、ヨセフ(旧約聖書にでてくる人物)について話したいと思います。私達は自分を攻撃する人に仕返しをしたくなります。しかし、本当の復讐とは愛で行うものだと思います。ヨセフが自分を売ろうとした兄弟たちにどのように対処したのか見てみましょう。
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ヨセフは父ヤコブと母ラケルとの間に長男(ラケルは後妻のため、実際にはヤコブの11男)として生まれた。ヨセフはヤコブが年をとった時に生まれたため、どの兄弟よりもヨセフを愛し、綺麗な服をヨセフに着せました。そのため、10人の異母兄弟たちはヨセフを憎むようになった。ある日、ヨセフは夢を見る。兄弟たちに妬まれて穴に落とされ、ミデヤン人の大将に売られてしまう夢である。これが正夢になろうとは! ヨセフの兄弟たちはヨセフの服に羊の血をつけてヨセフは獣に襲われて死んだと父親に嘘をつく。