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日本は年齢至上主義です。能力がある年の多い人より、パッとしない若い人を選ぶ会社が多いです。どうしてそんなに若い人が選ばれるのか意味が分からないです。若い未経験の人が選ばれる理由を無理矢理つけると、扱いやすいからでしょうか? 社会のことがよく分かってないためにその会社の色に染まりやすく、低姿勢でいるので、会社の幹部が扱いやすいから、選ばれるのかもしれません。逆にいうと、その会社の幹部の人より仕事ができる人、つまり、会社の幹部の人の地位を脅かすような人はいらないわけです。優秀な人を逃すのは実にもったいない話です。会社に新しい風を吹き込んでくれる人を選んだ方が会社は発展すると思います。頭が良くて仕事をバリバリやってくれる人を選びたいと思った時点で、次に問題視すべきことは、人柄だと思います。職場に慣れてきた時点で、他の職員を見下すような態度になる人は避けたいですね。技術や能力はまあまあだけど人柄がいい人、と、物凄い能力の持ち主だけど性格が悪い人では、どちらを選びますか? 技術や能力は練習や努力でカバーできるのであれば、私なら前者を選びます。
When you change jobs, not only technique and ability but also personality is important.
A person thinking about finding employment or changing jobs is worrying if he can keep up with technology. But there is something as important as technology.Japanese people like age supremacy. Many companies choose a young person not so much capable over an old person with ability. I don’t know the reason why a company chooses a young person so much. I dare find the reason why a company like a person with little ability. Maybe it’s because he is an easy person to deal with. Because he does not understand society well, it is easy for a company to dye him in it’s hue. And he takes a low profile, so a company executives are easy to cope with him. If you look at it from the other side, a company does not want a person who is better at their work than executives, or a person who threatens the position of the executives. Its really waste to let an excellent person. I think a company had better choose a person who provides a breath of fresh air into a company to let a company grow. When a company wants to hire a person working hard with great ability, the next important point is his personality. When he is starting to settle into the job, I want to avoid a person who looks down on the other employees. Which do you want to employ from the next two persons: a person who has good personality but so-so technology and ability or a person who has bad personality with excellent personality and ability? If poor technology and knowledge can be covered with practice and efforts, I shall choose the former.
↓ ブログランキングに参加中です。応援してください。