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弱いくせに強そうにしていると、この人ほっといても大丈夫、と思われてしまい、庇ってくれる人がいなくなる場合もあります。本当は弱いのですから、強がらなくてもいいのです。その方が味方についてくれる人が現れるし、見た感じが可愛いでしょ? 可愛くしとかなきゃ損です。逆に、強がっている弱虫であることを見破られてごらんなさい。どんなに強がっても、誰も相手にしませんよ。怖がってもらいたいのなら、性根入れてやりーや! 特に刺青入れている人は、本当は弱い人が多い。女や小学生みたいな子供には、わりゃー! おどりゃー! とヤクザ言葉を使うくせに、よーく観察すると、どこの人でも構わないのですが、男性に何かを注意されると、しゅんとなって、すみません、と謝ったりしています。女や小学生にギャーギャー言ったところで、周囲の人からバカだと思われるだけですよ。言葉を覚えたての一歳児に「ばーか」と言われても誰も怒らないよね? 弱い人は、刺青で自分をコーディネートしてないと、世間が怖くて生きていけないのです。なんて哀れなんでしょうね。
A person chicken-hearted actually trying to pretend to look strong__you are losing.
Weak people can stay weak. If you try to look strong, someone depends on you and end up having someone disappointed.
If you pretend to look strong even though you are chicken-hearted, there are some cases that people around you might think you are OK without help and you end up having anybody to protect you. You don’t have to pretend to look strong because you are weak actually. That is better because someone appears to protect you and people around you feel you are so cute, aren’t you? Be a good person, or you will lose. Vice versa, if someone see through that you are chicken-hearted, soon nobody will have anything to do with you even though how strong you are trying to look. You want everybody to be afraid of you, aren’t you? Then put your heart and soul into it! Especially most people with tattoo in Japan is weak actually. Even though he talks to a woman and an elementary school student in the way of Yakuza, we will see through that he is a weak person when we observe him carefully: he apologizes the man, said “sorry” and be dejected soon when the man gets angry at him. It just ends up making him stupid when people see him shouting to a woman or a little kid. We don’t get angry even though one-year-old baby who have just learned language said “stupid” to you, do we? A weak person couldn’t live without wearing a coat named tattoo. He is helplessly pathetic.
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