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The solution for a person who has worried about the same thing for a long time
A person feeling nervous worries about the past event, thinking I should or shouldn’t have done it this way. He also worries about the future, is anxious about what might happen, and analyzes the possibility that might occur in the future even though nothing has happened. It is no use doing it that way. But this kind of person couldn’t cure this anxiety disease even if he tries not to worry about anything. Ordinary people can soon forget the disappointing reality by eating delicious food, sleeping well, and doing what he likes, saying they can’t help it. In short, he can switch his mind soon. I am also the type of person who dreads. I tried to think about how I could recover from this strange disease. It is not easy to exterminate this illness because it is so persistent. It is useless for a person with a severe mental disease to try to cure this illness even though he reads self-help books and concentrates on what he likes to do. It might be suitable for this type of person to worry about a problem until satisfied. If he has a friend who listens to his worries, he should consult with him. Complain to someone, self-talk, regret the past until you get sick of it, worry about the future, curse someone you dislike, be negative thoroughly, or you will understand your stupidity and realize the waste of life. Moreover, you will be tired of repeating the same thing repeatedly and saying, “Let’s just stop.” If so, it is under your complete control. Talk to a stuffed dog for over a month if you have no friend who listens to your worries. It becomes troublesome to worry about something.
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