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- 警察を当てにしないこと。
- 危険だと思われる場所では防弾チョッキなどを身につける。
- 家の周囲には防犯カメラをつける。
- スーパーなどで車を停める時は、防犯カメラに確実に写るところを選ぶ。
- 弁護士に依頼する。
- ネット上で誹謗中傷する人はブロックする。
A lazy person who likes defamation
It is easy to slander someone because nobody knows his face and name. I would like to see if he enjoys defamation to relieve stress. I’ve heard that one Youtuber asked a lawyer to find the guy who has slandered and threatened to kill, and he had the crazy guy promise not to do the same thing again. I am sure this kind of guy harassing someone lives an uninteresting life. I’ve heard that this Youtuber suffered had been having a wrong time for more than a decade. Even if I can still forgive only defamation, when I get threatened to kill, I will have to look around and be careful to walk around wherever I go to every place. The way this crazy guy has harassed someone is such dirty tricks, kind of half-dead. It will be a disaster if the same thing happens here in my town. The police will never work 1000000% here. The police always work after someone is killed. What an old way the police still do! They cannot do anything, even when someone is killed. But this is reality. We must save our lives by ourselves.
1、Do not count on the police.
2、Wear a bulletproof vest around the dangerous place.
3、Install security cameras around the home.
4、When parking in the supermarket, you must choose the parking places caught on security cameras.
5、Ask the lawyer.
6、block slanderers.
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