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31歳 独身 男性
結婚したらどうなるのか、みんな知ってんのかよ。嫁さんや子供を養うなんて、このご時世では無理。俺、一応正社員だけど、月の手取りは20万円。これで結婚したら、自殺行為だぜ。人間はなぜ結婚するのか知ってるか? 遺伝子にそう書いてあるからさ。俺たち人間も生物だから、次の世代に子孫を残さないといけないようにできてるってわけだよ。でも、よく考えてみくれよ。月一万円くらいの小遣いを妻からもらってだね、子供の教育費やローンに駆り立てられて馬車馬のごとく働く男たちって、一体何なの? わざわざ結婚して、地獄の中へと真っしぐらに突進するなんて、ばかでしょ? ええ? 何? 何? 何?遺伝子に逆らって結婚しなかった代償は、孤独だって?! あのねぇ、結婚しても孤独な人はずーっと孤独なんですよ。生涯独身で過ごしても、高級な老人ホームに入って、お誕生日会をやってもらったり、生演奏のピアノやバイオリンを聞いて楽しく過ごせる人もいる。俺は後者の方がいいね。
Humans acting according to genes is stupid.
I asked future life plan of a young boy passing by.
He wants to live against the genes!
31 years old, single, male,
A guy following the genes is stupid!
Do you know what happens after marriage? It is impossible to feed the wife and children in this day and age. Remind you that I am a regular employee and my monthly salary is only 1510 dollars a month. Then, it’s suicidal behavior to marry. Do you know the reason why humans marry? It’s written to do so in the genes. Because we are creatures, we shall leave offspring to the following spring. But think about it! I get only $23 from a wife per month and work like a horse to pay my children’s educational expenses and home housing loans. Who and what am I? Men are stupid for getting married on purpose and rushing straight into hell. Whaaaaat? What? What? What? Did you say that compensation for not getting matched against the genes is loneliness? You know? Even though he has a wife, lonely people are always lonely. Even though he spends his life alone, many people are admitted into a luxury retirement home, have birthday parties, and enjoy listening to the piano or violin. I choose the latter.
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