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The interview with the boss of the small and medium enterprise

Hello everyone! I appeared as a guest on Jasmine’s blog to accept a commission. I will introduce three good ideas for profitable companies. First, I advise you to have the division that everybody doesn’t want to be assigned. Please give a victim $300 as a special allowance. It will be nice to show promotion to make him feel good. It is cheaper to pay $300 than to hire another staff because a victim feels happy with only $300. The division is a garbage can, and we assign a team that we want to retire. Second, you should reduce labor costs. It is nice to make a few employees do more work with a cheap salary. It is normal to have employees work from 8 AM to 8 PM, and only 4 days off per month in my company. It might be possible because of the recession. You must pay overtime pay. It is more profitable to make an employee work hard to pay only law overtime pay than to hire many people. Third, hiring a person with a family is essential: a wife and children. In my company, an employee’s family members are like hostages because he works hard to support his family members. He will work no matter hard his work is, and he can’t retire from my company no matter how cheap his salary is. Please reference this method. Entrepreneurs should take note of this blog.

 I participate in the Japanese blog ranking. I appreciate your continuous support.



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