56されるぞ! 無謀なことはやめろ!
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Someone said, “I’ve never seen a person like you.”
I am a rare and abnormal person. I’ve been fighting against a guy with a tattoo for over 6 years, and the fight’s result is almost my victory. This crazy guy lived using the public road as the grilled beef party and the parking lot for his friends as if nothing had happened. The building next to the road is my house. I have suffered lots of inconvenience from this crazy guy. This motherfuker brought many punks with tattoos to incite terror in the residents and tried to take them away from the public road. He didn’t do well and has rented a monthly parking lot. He can’t even talk to me because the police told him to do so. He is repeating trivial harassment with no concern about it. He is so persistent, and I have called the National Center for the elimination. He said, “An ordinary woman would move or cry herself to sleep. You called the police like bullets and got revenge on him and his fellows, besides continuing to attack him. Are you crazy? Stop it before you are killed.”
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