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・あなたは何歳ですか? もういい年をしているんですから良く考えて行動したほうがいいですよ。
・あなたは三歳児みたいなことを言っていらっしゃいますね。お気づきですか? そういう言い方は大人の私達には通用しませんよ。よく考えて行動したほうがいいです。
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ガミガミ言う人を撃退する方法・How to repel a snapper.
Some people tend to irritate others—the boss who came to the company after quarreling with his wife snaps at a subordinate. The unemployed scatter the garbage into the neighbor’s garden. The broken-heart guy hits a passer-by woman. The person who gets a ticket robs another police of a gun, shoots, etc. There are lots of cases.
He must be mud to shoot a gun, doesn’t he? I thought about how to say so that nobody can’t jump on your mistake when something absurd happens to you. It is practical to make someone feel “I may have said too much or something bad.”
・How old are you? You are already a grown-up. So, you should think and take action.
・When you do or say this; most people think you are wrong morally and will be in a bad way. you should think and take action.
・Freshman employees ( or children ) are watching you. Your way of speech and behavior will affect the work. you should think and take action.
・Your way of speech and behavior often gives an impression that you cannot team play. Because you are my boss, you should think and take action after maintaining dignity as a boss.
・You are talking like a three-year-old-child. Do you notice it? Your way of talking does not work for us. You should think and take action.
You should make the various way of talking and stock them in your brain. I recommend that you can use them even at the moment. Be careful not to develop into shooting.
Please do not imitate those methods if you don’t have the confidence.
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