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 愛だの善意だので地球が救えると思いますか? 地球を、人類を、救えるのは、お金だけですよ。愛とか善意は変化します。愛が憎しみに変ったり、善意だって悪意と背中合わせです。お金は多少の価値の変動があっても、人間の欲望を満たすという役割は変わりません。人間を最もハッピィにするのはお金以外にありません。
 私は「いい恰好しぃ」はしません。綺麗ごとも大嫌いです。自分のハエが追えないのに、人のハエを追い続ける偽善者にはなりません。人は寄付をすると、なんだかいいことをしたような気分になるのでしょう。自分が捧げたお金で誰かが助かる、という思いは尊いのかもしれませんが、自分の生活が苦しくなっては本末転倒です。今手元にあるお金は、その持ち主を幸せにするためにそこにやってきたのです。たとえ10円でも不足していると、欲しいものは手に入りません。障害者は障害のレベルに応じて車いすをタダ同然の金額で買ったり、自分ではできないことをヘルパーさんに頼んだりできます。障害者は福祉で守られています。だから、安いお給料で一生懸命働いて稼いだお金は、自分や自分の家族のために大切に使ったほうがいいです。寄付というのは美しい言葉ですが、自分のお金をあげちゃうんですよね? ね? あなたがお世話になった人に何かをプレゼントしたとします。そのプレゼントを受け取った人が、「これ、いらないわ」と言って他の人にあげたら、悲しくない? お金もそれと同じことですよ。あなたが持っているお金はあなたを喜ばせるために、神があなたに与えたものです。よく芸能人や有名な人が、多額の寄付をして話題になりますよね。確かに、困っている人の助けになると同時に、自分もさらに高い好印象をゲットできるのです。天界から見ると、自分の名前を出さずに寄付するのが一番よいような気がします。名前を出す、ということは「私ってこんなにいいヤツなんですよ」という好印象の見返りを期待しているわけですからね。

↓ いつもクリックしてくださってありがとうございます。応援してください。


The money helps the earth.

I am not too fond of donations. I have heard that people who did the fund-raising activity used the part of the fund-raise for a wrap-up party. It is suitable for a fabulously wealthy person to donate to the poor. But I wonder if it is fair to present even though they cannot make ends meet.

🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹 🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹

 Would you believe that love and good faith and so forth could help the earth? It is only money to save the world and humans; love and goodwill change. Love turns into hatred. Good intentions and bad intentions are back to back. Even though the value of money changes a little, the role of money can’t change in that it satisfies human desires. There is nothing to make people happy besides cash.
   I wouldn’t say I like to pretend to be good intentions. I’m not too fond of fine-sounding talk as well. I could not be a hypocrite to try to help other people even though I couldn’t help even me. People feel good because they help other people by donating. I know it might be precious to help others with the money that they presented. But it misplaces their priorities that they have a difficult time. The money you have now came to make you happy. You couldn’t buy anything without only 10 yen. The disabled can get a wheelchair for almost nothing and ask an assistant to do something they cannot do by themselves according to the revel of disability. The welfare helps the disability. Therefore, you had better use the precious and a little money by working hard for yourself and your family members. The donation is a beautiful word: you give the money to others, don’t you? Right? Assuming that you present something to a person who took care of you, and the person you gave a present passed it to others, said: “I don’t need this.” Don’t you feel so down? The same is true of the gift and the money. You know? The money you have is the same money that God gave you to make you happy. We often hear the news that the celebrity and the famous person donated lots of money. Undoubtedly, when they present lots of money, they can get a much more good impression. God would be happier than that they donated without their names. They expect a reward by mentioning their names, saying: “I am a nice guy.” They hope to become more popular.
 I thought about donating on this blog page. This example also applies to various cases. It is ourselves to take advantage of the chance we get. Stop stupid things to help others giving up helping ourselves! I want to use the money to be happy for both me and others.

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