『マウス』 BY 村田紗耶香_空気を読むことができる人とできない人

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 女の子って、小さい頃からグループを作るのが大好きなんですよね。大人しい子は友達として目立たない子を選ぶし、服装も派手で行動も積極的な子は似たような子と付き合っている。ブレないで自分のキャラのままで生きていけたらいいけど、偽物のキャラを演じ続けるのは大変です。物語は小学校から大学に至るまでの主人公とその周囲の人達の人間模様が描かれている。小学生の時、主人公の律はいつも正確に周囲の空気を読んで目の前の雰囲気に合わせることができ、みんなに好かれていた。ところが、クラス替えで同じクラスになった瀬里奈はモデルのように美しい姿をしているのに、空気が読めず気に入らない事があったら、すぐに泣いてトイレの掃除用具入れの中に逃げ込んでしまう。クラス中の嫌われ者だ。そんな彼女をなんとかしょうと、律は『くるみ割り人形』というタイトルの小説を瀬里奈に手渡す。小説の中の主人公であるマリーになり切った瀬里奈はどんどんクラスの人気者になり、クラスの中で最も華やかなグループに所属するようになる。しかし、瀬里奈が『くるみ割り人形』を中毒のように読んでいるのを見て、律は危険を感じるようになる。人間は元々の性格や育った環境を無視して理想とする性格を真似る事はできても変えることはできない。律は瀬里奈と関わっていく中で、演じている自分と素のままの自分に気付く。人間に生まれてきた私達の最大の敵は自分かもしれない。素のままの自分を素のまま受け入れてくれる大切な人はいますか? 厳しい親に育てられた人、対人関係に自信のない人、なりたい理想の自分になれない人、お勧めの一冊です。

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”Mouse” by Sayaka Murata

By living up to others and restraining themselves, some people are in a good mood when they receive praise from others, said good boy. Conversely, no matter how much others dislike you, some people go their way and run away when they feel uncomfortable being there.

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  Girls have loved to form a group since they are kids, haven’t they? A gentle girl chooses a plain girl as her friend. A girl with flashy clothes and acts positively goes together with a girl similar to herself. It is ok to live, not blurred. But it is so hard to continue playing fake characteristics. The story depicted the human pattern between a heroine and the people around her. When she carried on with life from an elementary school student to a university student, the heroine Rithu always read between the lines. She adjusted herself to the people around her. Everybody loved her. However, in the same class with Rithu after a class shuffle, Serina is so beautiful like a model, but all her classmates dislike her because she cannot read the lines. Every time she experiences uncomfortable things, she runs away into the cleaning cupboard. She is the hated person in the class. Feeling compassion for Serina, Rithu handed the novel “The Nutcracker” to Serina to help her. Becoming the main character Mary in the book, Serina became more and more a favorite among her classmates. She succeeded in belonging to the most brilliant group. But looking at Serina reading “The Nutcracker” as if she were an addict, Rithu is getting anxious. A human can imitate ideal characteristics ignoring the basic personality and the environment in which they have grown up, but they cannot change their natural features. Rithu noticed herself she was playing and the genuine herself while she was mixing up with Serina. Being born as a human, our biggest enemy might be ourselves. Do you have close friends who accept yourself the way you are? A person raised by a strict parent, a person who has no confidence in human relationships, a person who couldn’t become an ideal person, everyone gather! This book is the special one for you.

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