『素晴らしい食卓』 BY 村田紗耶香
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婚約している男女、未来の舅姑、お嫁さんになる予定の女性の姉夫婦が、食事という家族の儀式とどう向き合うかについて語っています。未来の花婿は嫁が作ったものを絶対に食べないと主張。さらに彼は、嫁も夫が好むものを作る必要はないと豪語。普通は、夫婦二人で食事を楽しむのが一般的だと思いますよね。しかし、嫁は作っても食べてもらえないとなると、作らなくなるんじゃないの? ちなみに、未来の花婿は、お菓子とフライドポテトしか食べないという超不健全な食生活を貫き通すと言っています。とにかく、自分は自分、相手は相手なんだということを認めて、お互いの食生活なり文化なりを受け入れて暮らすことができそうだと思って、未来の花婿は人生の伴侶として彼女に決めたという。ストーリーとは別に登場人物の顔の筋肉の動き、発せられた言葉に反射的に反応する「そうだそうだ」と迎合する首の動き、静寂の中で聞こえる咀嚼の音、などの情景描写がシンプルであるにも関わらず、まるで映像を見ているように脳に刻まれました。読んでいるのに見えてしまう不思議な世界をのぞいてみませんか。
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“A wonderful dining table” By Sayaka Murata.
When we are invited to eat, we worry about likes and dislikes. When we must eat our least favorite food, we would eat it, said: “it’s so delicious.” If other people besides you enjoy the food, that is all the more reason to do it because we don’t want to spoil the mood.
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How people: an engaged couple, a father-in-low and a mother-in-low in the future, an active woman’s sister and her husband should face each other is written in this book. The bridegroom in the future insists that he would never eat his wife’s dishes. Furthermore, he talks big that the bride doesn’t have to cook the dishes he likes. You know, it is general for the couple to enjoy the plates together. But, I wonder if the bride will never cook the dish because she knows the bridegroom doesn’t eat it. By the way, the bridegroom in the future says that he eats unhealthy; he continues having only snacks and fried potatoes. He decides to marry her as a life partner because he will live with her admitting his and her mutual dietary habit and culture; they perceive that he is he and she is she. Not only the story but also the description is beautiful. Although the scene description is simple, I can watch, hear, and smell the situations as if I were watching the movie. The movement of the characters’ muscles on the face, the motion of the characters’ neck when they reflexively react to the words spoken, said “Yes, Yes,” the chewing sound in the silence, etc., are fantastic! Why don’t you peek into the mysterious world? You will see, feel, hear and smell although you are reading.
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