『早く死ねたらいいね!』 BY リチャード・シルベスター
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“I hope you die soon” BY Richard Sylvester
What a title!
Nobody wants to die soon.
Everybody is struggling to be happy.
People want to live in a more wonderful house.
Others want to buy a more fantastic car.
We couldn’t stop researching to be happy.
But, the real happiness lies concealed in an unlikely place.
Oneness is the only thing generating everything in the universe; our body, animals, hood, thinking, solution, emotions, etc., is coming out of Oneness. Non-duality means that all things come from one thing, not two things. Ultimately, I hear that we are not even born. Once people who have suffered due to absurdity or discrimination are enlightened, they stop searching. They understand that suffering and discrimination exist there, and worried people do not live. If we can feel Oneness even a little bit, we no longer think something seriously no matter how absurd the problem happens. Life means experiences. We don’t have to cling to anything. When we experience enlightenment, we can’t help but love everything we see. Everything starts glittering because we see all through an eye of Oneness, not through a human’s sight. People tasting the peak of happiness don’t feel like reading this book. But happiness and unhappiness don’t last long. It is suitable for people in the middle of sadness and pain to read this kind of book. When humans lose everything, they get all to go to the holy and peaceful world.
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