兄弟仲が悪いのは親の育て方にもよる・The reason for being on bad terms with brothers depends on their parents’ way of raising children.
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しかし、タイムマシーンで過去にもどってもう一度幼少期からやり直すことはできません。こういう場合はどうしたらいいのでしょう? 親が子ども達を平等に育てなかったことに気付いて、自分の子ども達は仲が悪い、今後付き合いはないだろう、と諦めるしかないと思います。兄弟の助けがなくても病気や重い障害がある子は、福祉を利用すれば一人でも生きられます。
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The reason for being on bad terms with brothers depends on their parents’ way of raising children.
One cause of being on bad terms with brothers and sisters is that they raised their children by a long shot. In this case, brothers’ and sisters’ disagreement will never improve. A mother wants children to get along with each other, especially after they reach a certain age. But if a mother mistakes how to raise her children, a tragic case is waiting in the future.
Most brothers will be on bad terms when a mother raised the eldest son and a younger brother by a considerable margin. There is no problem if both brothers are in good health and married. Suppose one of the brothers is suffering an intractable disease or having a physical disability. In that case, it is quite natural for a mother to hope that all children are getting along with each other after she dies.
But we couldn’t return to the past with the time machine and start all over again from childhood. What should we do in this case? The parents should notice that they couldn’t raise their children equally. And they should accept that their children couldn’t get along with each other or they will never have a relationship forever. There is no choice but to give up the excellent relationship with her children. Even if they have no help from his brothers, a child suffering from severe illness or physical disability could be alive with the help of welfare.
I will introduce a typical case. If a mother holds the necessary family meeting only with the eldest son and his wife and doesn’t include the younger son in any discussion, what feelings does the more youthful brother have? A mother giving the eldest son special treatment is foolish, didn’t she? Don’t you think it is pretty strange to meet only with the eldest son?; How we should take care of our parents. What hospital we should choose in an emergency case. What funeral director we should request, etc. Don’t you think it is stupid that parents always are talking only with their eldest son? Many stupid parents making the same mistake seem to have done many things in this way since their children were young.
The parents who want the eldest son and his wife to take care of themselves in the future should notice their idea is a big mistake. Few parents live with their children in this day and age. When the parents give an inheritance to their children, the partition of the estate will be severe because they didn’t raise their children equally. It is nice to be admitted into an ideal retirement home to enjoy and live in comfortably if you have enough money. But we Japanese could not receive enough old-age pension. Most Japanese older men and women will spend their miserable last days.
The older men are pigheaded. A person born in the early Shouwa has the brain as if it were like a person born in Meiji or Taisho. Therefore, they think it is OK to have a good relationship only with the eldest son. If their sons already have their houses and are married, I think it is all right for the parents to spend their pension or deposit as they like. Don’t you think it is OK for their parents to save money only for their funerals?
The parents have contributed to society doing the housework, etc. So it is OK for them to lead a life of pleasure in their old age^^. It is stupid to leave their children lots of inheritance even though they declared that they wouldn’t care for their parents. I recommend the heritage division while you are alive if you have the money that you would never spend in your life.
Most older men and women say, “We are all right because we don’t have so much money. Besides, my children are the last persons who would quarrel for heritage. All Our children are good and kind”. The parents should notice that your son’s wife is controlling your son. I recommend that the children’s parents have the heritage division and leave a testament while they are alive.
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