『地球星人』 BY 村田紗耶香(芥川賞受賞作家)

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 奈月はこの世界を人間を製造する工場にたとえて、早く一人前の社会人になり、自分の子宮が社会の役にたつようになることを願っていた。奈月は両親に捨てられて、ご飯が食べられなくなるかもしれないという危機感の中で成長した。ポハピピンポボピア星からきた魔法警察の一員であるピュートだけが奈月の味方だった。ある日、父親の里である秋級に行ったとき、仲良しの従妹である由宇と結婚することになった。由宇も家族の中で浮いた存在であった。正式な結婚ではなく結婚ごっこなので、二人はそれぞれの家で生活し、交換した針金の結婚指輪でいつも一緒だという感覚を共有することになった。二人が約束したことは、「どんなことがあっても生き残ること」であった。時が経ち、大人になった奈月は出会い系サイトで知り合った智臣という男性と結婚することになる。彼が結婚したい理由は、ただ家族の監視から逃れるためで、性行為なし、家事は分担する、などという条件を出しており、まるでルームメイトのような結婚生活を希望していた。奈月はその条件にOKを出し、奇妙な結婚生活が始まった。ある日のこと、智臣は会社を首になり、しばらく奈月の父親の実家である秋級で生活することになった。そこに住んでいた由宇も加わり、男2人、女1人の不思議な生活が始まった。由宇は地球星人の性質に染まりつつあったが、奈月や智臣と同様に、自分も本当はポハピピンホボピア星人ではないかと思うようになる。地球星人に洗脳されて、自分達は地球星人だと勘違いしていたのではないか、そして、今その洗脳から覚めてポハピピンホボピア星人として生きていくことが正しいのではないか、と思い始める。秋級での生活は三人とも働かず、店や一般の家庭から食料を盗んで暮らしていた。ある夜、皆が寝静まったころ、奈月が通っていた塾の先生の両親がやってきて、息子を殺された怨みをはらそうとした。三人は侵入者2人を刃物で刺して殺した。同じ頃、災害が起こったため、店にも近隣住民の家にも食料がなくなりつつあったので、三人は殺した2人の遺体を捌いて味噌で味をつけて食べた。ポハピピンホボピア星人とはどんな人間なのか、地球星人はどんな常識観念で生きているのか、最後に三人が下した決断とは? どんな人が生き残ることができるのか?

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『Earthlings』BY Sayaka Murata(Akutagawa Prize Writer)

    This world we are living in is full of various fixed ideas. Everyone believes that it is normal. Even though someone states a minority opinion, most of the main arguments erase it. And we don’t respect the minority opinion. People feel as the world feels and act as the world makes a move. We are living to accept contradiction and catch-22 kind of thing. How should we deal with the outrageousness? We feel it conflicted to live with ourselves that is the most difficult to go well.
    The main character Natsuki is one of four family members: her elder sister, her parents. When she was a significantly younger child, her parents doted an elder sister. Parents were always taking the stress out on Natsuki; Her mother hit Natsuki on her head with a circular notice, abused her compared with other children, said she is slow at everything. The elder sister was raised with lots of parents’ love.
    Natsuki is comparing this world to the factory that is manufacturing the human. She was hoping to become a working adult soon and letting her uterus be helpful for society. She was raised with fear that her parents might dump her out, and she might come to be unable to eat hood. The puut that is one of the magic policemen, is the only supporter of her. He came from Pohapipinpobopia planet. One day, when she went to her father’s village, she decided to marry Yuu, her friendly cousin. Yuu is also out of place in his family. It is not a formal marriage but a pretended marriage. Two ware living in each family, sharing the feelings that we are always living together to keep the wedding ring made of wire. What they promised was that they survive whatever happens. Over time, she married Tomoomi, who got acquainted with the online dating service. The reason why he wants to marry is to escape his family members’ surveillance. The conditions of marriage he presented are having no sex, sharing housework, etc. He hopes the marriage life as if it was living with a roommate. Natsuki accepted his idea to start a strange married life. One day, Tomoomi was fired from work, and they decided to live at Natsuki’s father’s home. Only Yuu was living there. The strange life started with three members, including one woman, Natsuki, and two men, Tomoomi and Yuu. Yuu is dying himself in the people of the world. He comes to think that he is also a person from the Pohapipinpobopia planet like Nthuki and Tomoomi: Yuu begins to believe that people on this planet brainwashed him, and Yuu might mistake to understand that Yuu is a person on the earth, now that he waked up from the brainwash, the correct way of his life is living as a person of the Pohapipinpobopia planet. They are living on the hood that they steal from the shops and the other houses. They were not working. One night, when everybody fell asleep, the cram school’s teacher’s parents came. They tried to get rid of the grudge that their son was killed. The members stabbed the two intruders to death with kitchen knives. Simultaneously, the disaster happened, and food disappeared from the shops and the neighbor’s houses. So, they ate the two intruder’s bodies, seasoning with miso. What are the people on the Pohapipinpobopia planet? In what kind of stereotype and how are people on the earth living? What decision did they make in the end? What kind of people can survive?
    We, humans, live in a complex world; at one time, we destroy our individuality. At other times, we look down on people in the minority group. We feel the difficulty in the strange stereotype, said that this person is average and another person is wrong. The best people in the standard group and the worst people in the abnormal group will be weeded out by the people in the middle. But people could live only through their genes. Cutting deeply into the human depth psychology, the reality that we must live even in the human sorrow and cruelty comes insight. This world is a place like this. Not only I and you, but everyone suffers and is tasting the same reality. No matter how sad the world is, the button touch of life will continue continuously forever.

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