『あの世に聞いた、この世の仕組み』 by 雲黒斎

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 私がまだ幼かった頃、この地球上に存在する人間は私一人なのかもしれない、という奇妙な考えに悩まされていました。深くて真っ暗な闇の世界に落ちていく自分をどうすることもできず、底なしの孤独地獄がいつも私のすぐ横でその冷たい口をパックリと開けていました。この本を読んで『この世にはおまえしかいない。世界の全てがおまえだ』という言葉がやけにストンと腑に落ちました。すべてはひとつのものから発生している、というノンデュアリティーの考え方に似ています。さて、私達はあの世からこの世にきた観光客だそうです。いったいあの世のどんな人がこの世に旅行に来るのでしょう? そして何のために来るのでしょう? 生涯をかけて私達がこの世界で生きている意味とは? 不幸の無限ループにハマらない生き方とは? 人間は欲しいものを手に入れたから幸せになれるのではなく、すでに幸せであることに気づくことが真の幸せへの早道かもしれません。心のモヤモヤを吹き飛ばしてくれる素敵な本です。

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“The structure of the world looking from the afterlife” by Kokusai Un.

Do you think life is the training hall for humans?
If you think so, I do recommend this book.
There is more challenging time than fun time in this world.
We hope for the ideal situation:
If only he were not there,,,,,
If only I had more money,,,,
We cannot stop looking for happiness.
We wish we could live more comfortably.

 When I was a little child, I was possessed by the strange idea: “I might be the only one person on the earth.” I could not do anything to help me fall into the deep and pitch-dark world. The bottomless and lonely hell was always open; its cold mouth exists next to me. “There is nobody in the world besides you. All in this world is you.” This sentence makes sense to me. This way of thinking is similar to the idea of Non-duality; everything is arising from one thing. Now, the book says that we are travelers to the earth from another world. What kind of people is coming to our planet?  What is the aim of living here through our life? How should we live so that we could avoid an endless loop of unhappiness? We do not become happy because we get something we want, but we are delighted because we notice that we are already satisfied. This idea might be the shortcut to real happiness. This book is the same book to remove your dull sensation.

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