復讐代行 鬼龍院(小説)・Revenge agency Kiryuin (short novel)

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 俺はあの女を許さない。断じて許さない。俺はセクハラなんかしていない! 確かに「早く結婚して家庭の主婦になったほうがいいぞ」とは言った。でも、それがなんでセクハラになるのか? あの女のせいで、今や俺は生活保護者。職も家庭も失った。 

俺は惨めだ。愛する家族を失い、孤独に耐えている。俺はあの女にはめられたんだ! 殺してやる! 俺は鬼龍院にもう五年分の命を払った。
 全てはうまくいく予定だった。しかし、ある日の朝、どこからともなく奇妙な音楽が聞こえてきた。耳を澄ますと、どうやらその雑音ともいえる不思議な音は俺の体から聞こえてきていたのだ。音と一緒に大量の音符が体から出てきて部屋中をぐるぐると旋回し始めた。ドンドン切り裂かれる俺の皮膚! 音符は目にもとまらぬ速さで旋回しはじめ、女の姿に変わった。
「だ、だれのことを言っているんだ! 俺はパワハラなんかしていない」俺の目はかなり同様していたと思う。はっきりと覚えている。あいつだ。まさか自殺するとは思ってもいなかった。



I will never forgive that woman. Never. I swear that I have never done any sexual harassment. I admit that I said, “you had better marry and be a housewife.” Why is this sexual harassment? Due to her absurd remark, I am a pauper now. I lost my job and my family as well.
I went to the revenge agency Kiryuin, and asked her to wreak revenge on the stupid woman. I heard that she would marry soon, and she was promoted to chief to live comfortably. I shall rob you of your happiness. The fee of the revenge agency is a million yen. It is so expensive that I cannot pay. Then Kiryuin proposed that I would spend it in my lifespan.
I’ve got nothing to lose anymore. I don’t want to live long. I decided to pay in one year of my lifespan. I thought I don’t mind if I die one year earlier. The result was good. The woman was fired because the company noticed she had worked at a bar beside the company. Furthermore, she broke up with her boyfriend.
One afternoon, I saw the woman was walking with the man happily. They have not broken up! Kiryuin is a lier! I called Kiryuin right away said they got back together. She noted that it was my mistake because I didn’t take it into account.
I’m miserable. I lost my beloved family, and I am bearing my loneliness. I was set up by the bitch. I shall kill her! I paid more than five years of my lifespan to Kiryuin.
Everything should have gone well. But one morning, I heard strange music out of nowhere. When I listened carefully, the noisy sound was coming out of my body. Lots of musical notations were emanating from my body to cut my skin. I was covered with blood. Musical notes began to whirl around in the air. After musical notations spun at lightning speed, they transformed into the woman.
The woman said. “Both you and I asked Kiryuin to revenge. But, unfortunately, I asked her earlier than you. I shall take priority. I worked day and night very hard to pay money to Kiryuin. I wanted to revenge myself instead of my boyfriend. It is no use resisting now.”
“What does it mean?” I was confused.
“My boyfriend was your subordinate. He committed suicide due to your abuse of authority. I won’t let you say that you don’t remember. Even though you treated him terribly, you made a false report to protect yourself. The company believed you. As a result, my boyfriend had a distrust of people to commit suicide.”
“To whom are you talking? I have never harassed anybody.” I was trembling because I remembered him clearly. It’s him. I never thought that he would kill himself.
“Your original lifespan is 46 and 2 hours. You are 40 years old now. You have just 2 hours to live.”
The moment when I heard the wind noise, the woman disappeared. With the sound of a thud, massive musical notations fell to the floor.
I must be dreaming. I wanted to think so. While struggling to escape from reality, one musical notation fried into my mouth. Musical notes fried toward me one after another and packed all holes of my body. In a matter of seconds, musical notes covered all of my body.
Ten years have passed since that. I’m alive. An offering of flowers will never be gone at the man’s grave as long as I live.

Thank you for reading my short story through to the end.
See you.




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