悪魔・the demon

みなさま、こんにちは! 今年もあと数時間になりました。みなさまにとってどんな一年でしたか? 今年もいろんなことがありましたね。政治家の相次ぐ汚職問題。北朝鮮問題。ノートルダム大聖堂の火災。台風による被害。自然の猛威の中で、人間はなんと無力なんでしょう。私達は枯れ葉の下で雨宿りするアリコみたいなものです。どんなに丈夫な建物も、神様からごらんになったら枯れ葉のようなもので、一瞬の内に吹き飛ばされるほど頼りないものです。この世には、絶対に確かなものや安全な場所はありません。例えば、数億円をかけて頑丈な家やシェルターを作れば、どんな災害からも免れられて安全だ、というのは、人間が作った概念でしかありません。逆に、築50年のボロ屋に住んでいるから災害が起こったらひとたまりもない、というのも概念です。災害が起こった時にどこにいるか、ということは誰にも分からないのです。もしかしたら、ボロ屋に住んでいる人が、たまたま頑丈な体育館でスポーツ観戦をしていて助かるかもしれないし、頑丈な家を建てた人が地震の時に地割れのする地面に立っているかもしれないのです。多くの苦しみは、過去と未来を考える時に発生します。そんなことをするよりも、今コタツの中でミカンの皮を剥いているその指の感覚、鼻に漂うミカンの匂い、コタツの中の足の温もりを感じてみましょう。身体が感じる「今」に集中する習慣を身に着けると、不思議と未来への悩みが消えるかもしれません。




I hear that Urugan, who is a Christianity, can see the things nobody can see in his eyes. Mainly, he can see the shape of the demon that tempts people from hell vividly. —- Everybody that has seen Urugan’s blue eyes believed it. At least, among the early Japanese Christians who worshiped Deusu Budda in the Nanbanji-temple, it is the fact that nobody could doubt it.

According to the old manuscript, Urugan told the state of the demon that he saw at Kyoto in front of Nobunaga Oda. It was the strange creature with a human’s face, wings of a bat, and a goat’s legs. Sometimes, Urugan saw the demon dance clapping his hands on the nine rings that adorn the top of a pagoda; sometimes, he often saw the demon crouch under the room of Yotuyashimon by fears of the sunlight. That is not all. Sometimes he saw the demon cling to the back of the Buddhist priest or hangs on my wife’s hair.

Anyway, among these states of the demon, the most exciting thing for us would be the situation that the devil was sitting cross-legged on the princess’s hip. The author of the old manuscript understands that the story of the demon is the allegory. One day, Nobunaga fell in love with the princess and forced her to follow him. But, both the princess and her parents got no pleasure out of delivering Nobunaga’s hope. Then, Urugan discouraged Nobunaga’s violence by borrowing words from a demon. Now that things have come to this pass, it is not easy to decide the justice of this story. At the same time, this problem doesn’t bother us.

One evening, Urugan saw one devil sitting on the princess’s hip in front of the Nanban temple. My goodness, the demon has quite a beautiful face, unlike the other devils. Furthermore, look at his both hands and drooping head! The demon seemed to worry about something deeply.

Urugan constantly fretted about the princess. He thought that something unusual must have happened because the princess, whose parents are enthusiastic Christians, was fascinated by the devil. Then the demon approached her hip and caught the devil instantly without difficulty. And then, he brought the devil grabbing his hack hair to the sanctum of the Nanban temple.

In the inner room, the candle was lightening smoldering in front of the idle of Jesus Christ. Urugan made the demon sitting in front of him and asked strictly the details of the reason why he was on the hip of the princess.

“I tried to corrupt the beautiful princess. But at the same time, I didn’t want to damage her. Once he sees her pure soul, how could he stain her with the Hellfire? I tried to keep her soul clear and serene, whether willing or not. However, the more I think so, the more I want to corrupt her. Being unable to decide which ones are correct, I was thinking earnestly about our destiny on her hip. Otherwise, I would have hidden in the bowels of the earth before I see you and could not get caught in you. We always notice this. The more we don’t want to corrupt somebody, the more we want to do so. How could we find such a strange sadness like this?  Every time I taste the sadness this way, I feel like two things unite in my small breast: the cheerful light in the heaven that I found long ago and the darkness of the hell I’m looking now. Please pity me in this situation. I couldn’t stand being alone.”

The demon with a beautiful face shed tears, said like this.
The legend of the old manuscript has not found out what happened to him. But how could it have to do with us? When we read this story, we have only to feel appeal as follows.
 Dear Urugan. Be merciful to us with the demons. We also have the same sallowness as yours.










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